General Holiday Enquiries, Hints and Tips

General Holiday Enquiries? Got General Hints & Tips? Post Them Here.
Hi ladyjan ... I have merged your enquiry with this existing topic, which hopefully may provide some useful info. Please feel free to post any additional questions you might have.

David :wave

When I was pregnant I was told that I would be unable to fly during first 12 weeks or once I had reached 7 months

I am sure if your daughter asked at her doctors/clinic they could advise her.

Hope this helps
... we have just found out she's pregnant :D

I have booked the flight and appartment seperatley and she will be about 22 weeks when we are due to fly and doesn't want to go now just to be on the safe side, do we have any come back with reguards to getting any money back? We have travel insurance but cant see anything on it.
  • Edited by nezi 2006-04-18 15:11:44
Hiya, thats a shame for you both.
Dont quote me on this but i think if you get your gp to prove that she is pregnant, for insurance then you can get your money back.
My sister in law done this when she was pregnant with twins but i can`t remember if the date of travel was before or after the time you are NOT allowed to fly. Someone on here will probably be able to help you better.
Good luck

Have edited this, i dont mean its a shame that your wife is pregnant :oops: :lol: i mean about the holiday.
Congratulations to you both :wink:
All depends on when you took out the travel insurance - hopefully before you knew she was pregnant (as if you had done it afterwards, then it would have invalidated it).

22 weeks sounds OK to travel, but phone your insurance company and get advice from them.
Nezi..why doesn't she want to fly? I was 28 weeks pregnant with my first when I flew on holiday.Apart from the baby doing a few somersaults it was fine. It would be a nice break for you both before all that hard work to come :lol: .It is safe to fly up to 32 weeks. To cancel on the insurance she would need to prove via her GP that she is suffering from a complication of pregnancy that would make it dangerous to her or baby's health if she flew. As you booked flight and accomodation seperately I'm not sure where you would stand with regards them refunding you. Why don't you ring both to see.

I have to agree with hbrac. Unless her GP/Hospital can give written confirmation of a reason that she is unable to fly I can't see you having much luck re claiming on your insurance. Unless medically there is a problem she will be fine to fly at 22 weeks. I flew when preganant with all three of my children and at various stages of the pregnancies. If I were 22 weeks pregnant (which I am glad to say at 46 I am not) and medically fine there would be nothing stopping me from having a holiday just to chill and relax before the birth. Make the most of a relaxing time together before you have to start packing everything but the kitchen sink for your future holidays with a baby/children.

Congrats to you both and I hope you decide to go and have a great time :gluck

Rgds Jackie
I flew many, many times whilst in various stages of pregnancies. Stick to the limits issued by each individual operator (and they do vary) and your midwife's instructions and you can't go far wrong.

However........I never had a problem with space etc with scheduled carriers such as BA but I did with the charter carriers.

Sorry but that little table for your food etc probably will not go down flat after about 22 weeks (I carried all up front with my pregnancies) but I wouldn't risk putting the table down just in case the person in front of you decides to recline. Even with the table up, if you get a recliner in front you are in real comfort difficulties and would find it difficult to get into and out of the seat. And people are not always nice when you ask them not to recline as I found out to my cost.

It's all perfectly safe but can be very uncomfortable.
I too have flown at all sorts of stages of pregnancy - under 12 weeks, 24 weeks, and 30 weeks. I needed a letter when 30 weeks and that was just a short cityhop to Amsterdam, and then to Scotland.
However I did suffer with extreme dizziness during the flight and had to be taken to the hospital at Schipol as I fainted when came off the flight. I was meant to be travelling on to Aberdeen and did, but had to sign a waiver for the airline as I was travelling against medical advice. (I went back home by train...!)
Some airlines however don't even ask how far gone you are and just accept you turning up with a big bump!
It can be uncomfortable though if you are big trying to get in and out of the seats!
We had a holiday booked when I discovered I was expecting my eldest and again when I was expecting our twins - I'm one of those women who didn't want to fly - even tho' I was officially 'okay' to travel just becos' I personally felt IF anything went wrong I would be a long way from home.

We lost both deposits.
I flew last year when i was 11 week.s pregnant to greece. I had it ok,d by the doc, but was advised to wear flight socks(something to do with your blood when you,re pregnant).
We had an earthquake when we were out there, and I was really worried because of the stress and shock I might miscarry, but everything fine and I now have a lovely baby boy :) :) :) and a story to tell him when hes older 8)
i have just found out im pregnant after over a year of trying. we had booked our holiday to tunisia over a year ago, so when we found out this weekend we thought we might have to cancel. BUT the doc says im ok to go just as long as i watch what i eat and make sure its all cooked properly. will have to stick to bottled water all the hol too which will prob be really boring, wouldnt want alcohol but a glass of coke at least, but i want to play it really safe. i cant wait now im really excited, xxx
congratulations michelle :yipee

You should be fine if the doctor has ok'ed you to go you just have to like you say be careful what you eat and drink - i think though you would be ok with coke and stuff as long as it does'nt have ice in it?? as its the ice thats has probably been made with the local water but thought coke on its own should be ok?, but you may not want to drink coke anyway - i could'nt for the first 4/5 months of both my pregnancies - just couldnt stand the taste for some reason!! :shrug

By the way i found that eating polo's or other minty sweets helped if i was feeling abit travel sick!

Hope you have a great holiday with lots of rest & relaxation -make the most of it !!

fatcodycat 8)
i flew when i was 24 weeks pregnant, flight there was fine, the 2 weeks in turkey were fine had no problems until the flight home, i had terrbile swelling of my legs from my ankles up to my hips and had to keep standing up as i had trouble bending my knees to sit down, they had even given us row 1 with more leg room in the end they wouldnt allow me to walk off the plane and i had to be taken off in a wheelchair very embarrassing along with another passenger about 85 lol, my legs stayed swollen for about 2-3 days, but apart from that had no other problems
Hello, has anyone ever had to call their airline to tell them they are pregnant - I'm currently 7 weeks and due to fly in 3 weeks' time.

My midwife said I should let know beforehand but their terms and conditions don't mention having to inform them. They just say it's okay up to 27 weeks.

Any feedback would be much appreciated.

Popsy x
Hi, Congratulations Popsy! I flew a few years ago when I was around 11 wks pregnant and no I didn't let the airline know, although I did get a letter from my GP stating I was fit to fly (although this wasn't needed but I just wanted to cover myself just in case). Whether things have changed recently I'm not sure, perhaps it's worth giving Jet2 a quick ring to be certain. Kind regards, Nic.
Thanks Nic,

I've tried to ring the airline but the line is dead !!!!!

Travel insurance is covered though - will try to call Jet2 again next week.
No need to let airlines know before 28 weeks. After that you still do not need to let them know in advance, although you have to carry a fit to fly letter from your doctor.

i did loads of travelling whilst pregnant. To the Caribbean and the US both before 10 weeks, Spain 4 times between 6 weeks and 30 weeks and the maldives when 27 weeks. Had no problems at all. I wore flight socks for the long haul ones and drank lots of water and went for a short stroll every couple of hours.
Am flying Belfast-Stansted next week when I'll be 12 weeks, will be almost 13 weeks on return. Do I need to wear the graduated compression stockings with it only being a 1hr 15 flight? Easyjet say that pregnant women are at moderate risk of DVT. Journey time from Stansted to my parents is 1.5 hours. I had considered using ferry and coach but decided not to as it's such a long journey and I'll be past the time when miscarriage is most likely to happen (between 7-9 weeks). Am I safe going through the metal detector thing at security? My gp would probably do me a letter asking for the alternative if there's ANY chance that my babies could be harmed by the metal detector. Will wear loose fitting clothes and drink water (buy bottle airside).
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