General Holiday Enquiries, Hints and Tips

General Holiday Enquiries? Got General Hints & Tips? Post Them Here.
Sorry I can't help maryjo. Are you looking for anywhere at all in world? I was just wondering whether we could move to this General Enquiries. You may get more people viewing.
Surely the country you are visiting is more important than the resort??? If you specify which part of the world you are interested in then I'm sure people could help you out. If you just want a smart hotel go to Marbella!!
Yes I do consider the country as well. If something catches my eye in the brochures, that is what usually gets me interested. As I said I am looking for somewhere "different".Somewhere with breathtaking scenery, first class accommodation, not too commercialised and not too busy. Anywhere in the world, but not Australia or Newzealand as they are just that bit too far away. Look forward to some of your suggestions. Cheers,
As you are looking anywhere in the world for the resort I am going to move this to General Enquiries. You may get a better response. It will also been seen still on Other Destinations.
I would love to do somewhere different......... :roll: somewhere like Cambodia, Vietnam Thailand THAT would be a holiday and a half, something to remember........ :wink: :P
why not do it then...some of the destinations you mention (Thailand,Malaysia) are pretty mainstream these days and can offer great value. (Just one of the reasons I tend to go out that way for my hols).

we stayed at Taman Negara in Malaysia. Could not claim that it is four star but the accommodation was comfortable, air-conditioned and you are in the heart on of one of the oldest rain forests in the world, but as a side trip for a few days its great - if you fancy a little soft adventure, a canopy walkway etc. You could always combine that with a luxury resort in the Far East.
Hi sunbear :D We have already booked to goto Cyprus next year with my inlaws (they wanted to see why we enjoy it so much!) but we are already looking ahead to our NEXT holiday after that! :shock:
When i was out last night, i got talking to someone who says they have been to Thailand, and Vietnam and loved it! :love2 ........they also said it was pretty reasonable while there, to eat out etc. Now my children are growing up (they will be 13 and 11 on next years holiday), and we have done a lot of the European Destinations (been abroad 10 times, 11 next year) we fancy booking somewhere further afield........this is definately the type of location(s) we are looking at. Im going to do some homework 1st though........... :wink: :wave
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