Thailand Discussion Forum

Discussions regarding holidays in Thailand.
Tip of the day
12 Posts
Next to the thread titles you may see an orange sun. This means that there are new posts since you last logged in. To read new posts only, click the little orange rectangle next to the sun.
Have you ever wondered how to add a URL and have it show as click here? Here's how it works.

Copy the url you want
click the url button ( above the box where you post a reply)
delete the last bracket and add =
paste your weblink
add ]
put what you want to show(eg click here)
click url button again

click here
it will look as above but with no space after the =.
Click preview( under this) to check it worked before submitting.

Easy :D
Would you like an avatar under your name? For how to do this have a look here :D
Trying to find info? Why not use our search function here? Remember you can chose to see all threads( topics) which contain your search words, or you can chose to display all posts.
Need to find specific information? Here is a guide for using our search function( written by Mark Ht mod)
How to use our Search faciliy:

1. Press the 'Search' button from the top menu

2. You now have the option to search for keywords and/or the posters name

3. Type in the keyword, if necessary followed by a wildcard or boolean (see below)

4. If you know the name of the poster, type it in the Author field followed by a wildcard or boolean (see below)

5. From the Search Options section select the radio button next to 'posts'

6. From the same section select '1000' from the Return first drop down menu

7. Finalise your search by pressing the 'search' button

'Wildcards' can be used to assist in searching if you only partially know a keyword or username:

The * wildcard when used after a word searches for all words beginning with the typed in word,
for example typing in mark* will search for all names starting with 'mark'

The ? wildcard when used in a word searches for all available letters and numbers in the '?' position,
for example typing in m?rk will seach for 'mark', 'mbrk', 'mcrk' etc.

'booleans' can be used to get more accurate results:

The AND boolean ensures that both conditions must be met before a positive search result is returned,
for example typing "Mark AND hotel" will display results of posts where both 'Mark' and 'hotel' occur

The OR bollean ensures that either of the conditions must be met before a postive search result is returned,
for example tryping "Mark OR hotel" will display results of posts where either 'Mark' or 'hotel' occur.
Download our Safe and Sound booklet before you go on holiday. :D
Interested in a particular thread? Go to the bottom of the thread and you will see "watch this topic for replies", at the bottom left hand side. Click this and you will get email alerts whenever there is a new reply.
Want to pm someone?
Easiest way to do it is to click the pm button at the bottom of one of the member's posts.
Another way is to click on "you have no new messages" at the top of the page and click new post. If you are not sure what the exact name of the member is, click " find a username" at the side. Use an asterix for the part of the name you are unsure of and you will get options of member names to click.
If you are having problems with your account eg logging in you can email admin on
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