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Oooo that's great!

Thanks ever so much!

Could I just add...

Not really!

Thanks, really appreciate it :wink:

Pippy :D
I have gave myself a sore head as I have been sat in front of computer for hours trying to create avatar. I found a really nice picture of betty boop in a hula costume and have followed all the instructions but keep getting red cross. Is it because the picture is too big??
The url is wrong that's probably why.

You have INVALID URL listed.

Copy and paste the correct url into here and Mark will host it for you.
where do i get the url address from? Now my shoulders and neck are aching worse than my head and I still have no avatar picture. HELP!!!!!!! I haven't done a bit of housework all day!!!!!!!!!!!
Have replied to your pm Joolz but basically the url is the address of the picture you are requesting.

Go to the page with the avator on and copy from the address bar. Paste it into here. Mind you Mark is good and will probably be able to decipher the address from the url I have given further up. :lol:
:lol: No that's not right either...........Wait for Mark am sure he'll sort it for you. :wink:
Thanks for trying to help. I'm not the smartest when it comes to computers!!!!!!!!
Reply How about this???? I have a good feeling about it this time!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Whoops!!!! Dont know what happened here, one minute it was an url address, next it was the picture I have spent about 10 hours trying to get as my avator (note that the dreaded "red cross" is still there)
WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!! Almost ten hours later its worked!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks so much for all your help, I just love my "avatar" to bits!!!! Had to recruit the help of my daughter to do the cut+paste bit. You are geniuses.
Sorry to "rabbit" on about this avatar but can you tell me why mine doesn't show up unless I am logged on? Thanks
I don't think any avatars are displayed unless the user is logged in...............are they?
Good question!!!!!! But if you look at old postings those with avatars are visible. ??? if they are logged on to same forum at the current time. Can someone please log off and check to see if their avator disappears like mine???! Thanks so much
I just logged out and couldn't see any avatars :wink:
Aaaaah, I see!!! So you have to be logged on then. Thanks for "loggin' off" for me. Cheers.
hi im really having trouble trying to change my avator to a new image
PLEASE help me !

thanks lou x
What kind of problem are you experiencing?

Mark :D
Holiday Truths Forum

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