Goa Discussion Forum

Discussions regarding holidays in Goa.
Glad it all went well Chilly,seems we missed a good night,still its the first meet this season we have missed since the start and will be around next week for sure to keep you in hand :rofl :tup
Sounds as though you had a great night as usual Chilly, we missed you too and thought about you all at the meet up while we just had the prospect of an overcrowded train (along with massively increased fares) to look forward to - you don't know what you are missing! Sorry to hear Trina wasn't feeling too good, I have only been home a couple of days and am now full of cold, welcome to England. Liz was thinking of coming out again for a quick week in March but we discovered whilst sitting in the airport waiting to come home that our visa was single entry only which was a bit of a shock as we have always been given multiple entry for the last 10 years. We will be booking for next year though sometime next week so will see you all in December 2011 again. Thanks again for the brilliant nights and all the laughs, keep up the good work and keep smiling, we will be with you in spirit - bodily and liquid kind - every Wednesday.
the traditional Goan 'Happy birthday' record that we all sang heartily too .. and goes on for ever.. I am sure you are smiling if you have ever been privy to hearing this in Goa ... as its a crack up job!!

I remember our first holiday to Goa when the hotel manager with his guitar in hand (at the old Silent Retreat) and a selection of waiters sang this for our birthdays, lovely............. but it does go on, and on, and on, and on..................hilarious; but I have never forgotten it and loved every looooooooooooooooong minute of it :rofl

Glad you are all having a great time and looking forward to seeing you all in March - save me some honeybee :tup

Just wanted to say a big thank you to everyone we met at our first ever meet on Wednesday the 12th January, although we arrived late we were made to feel very welcome.

Sorry we didn't make it the week after as half an hour before the meet we had terrible news from home to say my (Maria) Dad had passed away.

Maria & Howard
I think everyone who goes really enjoys the meets, such lovely people there.

I am so sorry to hear of your sad loss, and send my sincere condolences, to you and your family.

xx lassi
Sorry to hear of your very sad loss Maria, you have my deepest sympathy.
maria our thoughts are with you in this sad time from all the dragons

on a lighter note another fun meet on wednesday with some new faces,and the fun quiz now very popular on thursdays with many h.ters,but this week not won by linb and gang
  • Edited by dragon07 2011-01-29 18:15:26
Marie very sorry for your loss my thoughts and prayers are with you :ghug colleen
yes dragon but we were the only team of 3 to rack up 30 points and the only team to get the walt disney question right. :rofl

home now in the cold thanks for a good night
So sorry to hear about your Dad, Maria. My deepest sympathies.
Dragon can you tell LIN B she's letting the side down how dare she not win (bet she's got a cupbaord full of vodka now)Keep up the good work dragon we really enjoyed your quiz's...
Thanks for that,its nice to see the h.ters enjoying themselves,as for Lin b,s cupboard being full of Vodka maybe but my friend Lin often is :rofl :rofl
Maria was lovely to meet you both at the meet but just so sorry to hear about your Dad, how terrible for you, our thoughts are with you.

i agree though the meets are very friendly and everyone is made welcome, our only worry usually is that we might miss someone coming in as it can be daunting for some who havent been before coming up and introducing themselves but i hope your post reassures other HT members that we are a freindly lot!!
Chilly :ghug
Sorry sleeps have won quiz many weeks now, but I know that i am more a lucky charm than the font of all knowledge, but Ram has now changed the prize on the weeks my team win to a bottle of honeybee or fenni cause his profits on vodka were considserably down,

The Carvery is now a very busy night on a Thurs and the Dragon does a good quiz with a lot of help from his lovely son clifton, althought he wont give me any help, despite my begging.

Love to you all Lin XXXXXXXXX
Ram has now changed the prize on the weeks my team win to a bottle of honeybee or fenni cause his profits on vodka were considserably down,

:rofl :rofl

Good on you Lin!! ;)
:wave: Hiya Lin nice to see you still know how to do post's although you sound busy reading up on all the info you need for the quiz..
My phone No is still the same if you need" 2 ring a friend" anytime.
Hope the dragon does'nt read this..
Keep in touch love from us all this end...xx
a-ha now i have you lin you will have to stop in the carvery after the quizzes and drink with me and little dragon as detention :rofl :rofl
I.m sure Lin will like that detention Dragon can't you think of any other NASTY detention for her. :wave:
think i must be tired :rofl as i just posted this but its not here?? try again :think

A packed night at the Carvery tonight, loads of HT'ers ... too many too mention (maybe another HT'er might have the energy to name everyone??) :D ... but I need my bed :wave ..... a really good night had by all i think :tup Chilly zzzzzzzzzzzzzz
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