General Holiday Enquiries, Hints and Tips

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if you read back through the complaints forum we have had several where holidays have gone wrong and the free so called bank holiday cover didn't apply [small print] one of the main things they miss is cover before travel, most only cover you from date of departure to day of return, if you have to cancell between booking and going your not coverd..

Oh that could be bad couldn't it? :(

(Just asked my husband - he said we are covered from the date we book.)

Tell you what Wizard, as my suggestion isn't that good after all, could you please delete it,
along with the other posts I have made on this thread ?

Better that way incase some people don't read the thread from the beginning (like I didn't)
or only read my suggestion and not further on where you draw attention to what could be a
major setback for what sounds like many people.

I hate for anyone to just rely on their bank insurance and then fall flat on their face when
they aren't as well covered as they thought.

Thanks. :)
its best left for others to read.. after all its better they check and find like you its ok, rather than expect cover when the small print dosn't cover

Hi Milly Molly, after reading your post thought I'd double check my policy which is through my Bank. I was pretty certain I was covered from when I booked but double checked anyway, and yes I am (phew!). As Wizard said it's up to us to check our policy to confirm for ourselves exactly what cover we have. Obviously some Bank's insurances are better than other's, after reading through my policy again last night I'm happy with the cover I have.
If have an EHIC card and are travelling to countries within the EU may be competitive. I believe there is no upper age limit and it covers pre-existing medical conditions via screening. The policy is underwritten by Lloyds.

luci :wave
I have just been on to my banks free insurance today and I feel as if I have been banging my head against a brick wall.The policy gets renewed on June 21st and I have to pay an excess for a pre existing condition which is normally £30.As my husband no longer gets the free insurance I enquired about the Premier 50 account which gives free insurance Worldwide up to the age of 79.This would only cost me £30 excess but the account is £10 a month costing £120 for the year.
When I phoned the medical helpline regarding the current policy which is only for Europe they told me it would be £50 excess!.
I then phoned the insurance company ,Fortis to see how much it would be for a European policy for my husband ,I was quoted £126!
Thats £6 more than if we changed to a Premier 50 account.
I just dont know how they work the costs out but it seems if you are buying a policy it costs a lot more,so probably has more cover.
A holiday in the UK is tempting to me at the moment!.
  • Edited by Jay Trip 2008-06-14 19:45:04
If booking online or by phone allow plenty of time for your documents to come by post. Ours have not arrived by today ,14th, we had booked on the 3rd. As we leave early Sunday I phoned Insure and Go as we were told that we would have them within 7 to 10 days. This I am now told is working days, and my documents should arrive by Monday, we`re gone by then. Incidently their call centre is open 7 days for travel insurance. I`ve now had a cover note e-mailed which I have printed off along with all the relevant bumf from their website. We won`t have the card with all the emergency numbers which they highlight on their website, but it should be there when we get home. They were not the cheapest of our quotes but we went for the level of cover and my wife has a mild medical condition for which she takes a tablet, that also put the price up. The person at Insure and Go was not in the least perturbed when I informed him that this would be my last business with them, he thanked me and hung up.
can any advise me on a good company for travel insurance that covers me for asthma? :cheers
There are recommendations on Page 1 of this topic.

luci :wave
I haven't read my way through all the posts....but does anyone know of a company which insures for motorcycles of over 50cc? We don't feel safe on a scooter and my other half holds a full mc licence....
InsureandGo covers up to 125cc as standard with all their policies, for over 125cc you must inform them and pay an additional fee (I think you would have to ring to find out).

I have an EHIC card , but still buy insurance, Purchased mine with js insurance, 15 quid for 2 weeks to spain, this cover is with axa silver plus so its good cover used it last year. and so has my sister.. recommended...
Hi does anyone know where we stand insurance wise if we hire a Quad bike in Crete. Hubby's hired them on a couple of occasions but recently I've heard that he won't necessarily be covered by our hol ins should an accident happen. I've e-mailed my ins company to see if he'd be covered and ask them how much the premium would increase to add this cover. Has anyone experienced something like this first hand please?

It will be down to you individual insurance policy so you will need to check the hazardous activities section on yours.

There was an article on Sky News today where a father had paid for fully comprehensive insurance for his son. The son had an accident on a moped I think it was, but wasn't covered as he didn't have a full motorbike licence and it cost £25000 to get him home.

luci :wave
What do I do??
Please can anyone give advice on my situation??
My elderly mother has been in a care home and has been diagnoised with Alziemas about 2 years ago but other than that has been okay until recently and GP on my daughters request sent her to hospital for tests because of rapid weight loss! She is now quite ill and they are not sure of why she is losing weight yet because other than stabilizing her because of dehydration little else has been done! We had a scare last week due to an infection but then she was stable again later in the day! We are due to travel in 2 weeks and at what point do we inform the insurance company??? The policy was taken out prior to mums recent health scare!! do we notify them of the situation now??? The thing is they keep saying she is a very poorly lady but have no answers for us!! She was given a blood transfusion yesterday ! To make matters worse I live 2 hours away and and feel helpless!! I suppose they will not just let you cancel until a firm prognosis has been given?? In the mean time i assume that i will have to plan on going??? 11 days on the hospital have given no clues to what we should expect! My worry is if we do not inform the insurance company and then the worst happens while we are away then they will say we should not have gone! it appears to be a no win situation at the moment!!
Any advice please???
Hi Violet, it must be difficult for you but I think you would be better to check with the insurance company. Think of the worse that could happen (i.e. something happens when you are away) and what it would cost to fly you back in a hurry - i.e. scheduled flights. If you can afford risk to that kind of money and she seems OK when it's time to leave, I'd go. It all depends where you are going, how easy (and expensive) it would be to get back, how many are going, etc. I know how difficult is is, my own parents were 200 miles away when they were ill and my mother-in-law spent her last few years in and out of hospital with a heart condition. We knew if anything happened to her, we would not be covered, as we knew about her condition when we booked but as we were on cheap and cheeful holidays and there was plenty of family back home, we took the risk and fortunatly nothing happened when we were away.

I hope your mother is OK and wish you all the best, Maria.
Hi Maria, thank you for your advice, we go on the 22nd July to the Dominican republic! We live a 2 hour drive away anyhow from mum so the chances of my getting up there in the event of an emergency are unlikely because i do not drive!
My daughter thinks if mum is stable we should go, well we would have to because insurance will only be good if the worst happened! She says she will not inform us because we could not do anything a that point!! Still not an easy choice though!! It is a waiting game really and we have said the same she may be like this and then improve who knows and then go back and to in to hospital.
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