General Holiday Enquiries, Hints and Tips

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I want the full story, or will i read it in the news of the world this weekend? :rofl
beermat wrote:
seen an old friend with their family, but under circumstances couldn't speak!!
Ooooooh - sounds interesting!! :-P
Never bumped into anyone like that, but we did meet someone whose daughter was at the same school as my kids and we knew a lot of the same people, although there were a lot of people from Manchester in that hotel - it was a Manchester Evening News special offer in Lloret, I think most of the people on the huge Airbus which took us over there were on the same offer :roll:
In Fuerteventura this Easter we bumped into some First Choice entertainment reps, who had worked at our hotel in Crete last summer, and my daughter bumped into a lad who she'd met when we'd been in Fuerte at Easter two years ago - I think his family go to the same all-inc every year :lol:
it's happened to us,quite a few times.
one time,we were in gran canaria.we went to the reps night & we got a tap,on the shoulder,when we were on the dance floor & it was a couple,from the same town as us.
then we went to goa & we were at anjuna market.i turned round,to find hubby,nattering away,to some guy,he knew.we actually seen him,last night,when we were out,for a walk!
another time,we were in kuala lumpa airport & this couple kept staring.i was getting really paranoid,when she came over & asked me,if i worked,in the pub,i am the manager of.i now see her,most saturday nights!
then we were in pattaya,in thailand & this guy,sits down,on the table next to us & my sister asks him,where he is from & he replies,llandudno.i couldn't believe it! i also see him,in the pub,alot now,but never really noticed him before,thailand.
they say,it is a small world & i really belive it!
Come on Beermat spill the beans - was it innocent or a tad sordid :rofl
was it innocent or a tad sordid

Oh I love a bit of gossip, spill the beans or we will just make it up :D
I did pop across from Symi to Rhodes a couple of years ago to pick up two friends from Diagoras airport and knew the first 14 people off the aircraft. I thought that either my eyesight or both brain cells had gone potty. That was a bit worrying until they told me that they had all come to a Bridge Congress in Rhodes so I didn't have to buy huge rounds of drinks each night and could escape back to peace and quiet in Symi.
Kiltman-Graham - now there's a thought :rofl

Some people are so nosey. I can't believe that some of them want you to break a confidence - just for their own amusement!

BUT... I have to confess that I am one of 'those people' and I am looking forward to hearing all the goss!!!!!
Suzie Suzie Suzie, we were only asking so that Beermat could unload her tales - for no other reason of course. :rofl
we were sat around the hotel swimming pool and after about an hour of being there i heard this voice say is that you lynne M....n ??? as i'm looking around , i saw somebody that i used to work with and i was actually one of her bridesmaids many moons ago , we had lost touch , but since then have kept in touch
once met my old boss who owns my local take-A- pizza shop, i was eating in michealangols in tenerife, when he showed is grinning face. put me write of my evening meal. (he owed me my last weeks wages)
Suzie, see it as a kind group of therapy, beermat wants to spill the beans but just needs a little encouragement, beermat you know it makes sense you will feel so much better with the weight lifted from you.

It will all be in confidence know body needs to know, just post it here ;)
I was in a shop in Cala Bona when I heard an "Eeeeeeeeeeh", turned round and it was one of the dinner ladies from school.
we were strolling up a side street on our 1st night in Koh Samui when we heard DAN, DAN,DAN! being shouted from above, this is my other half's name but we didnt realise they were shouting him we thought they were quoting Alan Partridge (it happens at Glastonbury and other large gatherings all the time!) anyway it wasnt until they shouted his full name that we turned around and saw some of his school friends on a balcony above!! They live in the same town as us and had been travelling, they were only in Koh Samui for one night and this was a street we just happened to wander down, it was well away from the main section and they were only in Koh Samui for one night...what are the chances!!
Many years ago hubby and I got on the little train from Malgrat to Pineda to go to the local market , as we got off the train I mentioned that the girl who sat opposite me a t work had stayed in Pineda a couple of months before but was at the moment staying in Salou , turned around to see her get off the train from the carriage behind us ! They had decide to visit Pineda to show her Dad the hotel they had stayed in !
On summer we were walking round the Marina at Vilamoura in the Algarve, selecting a restaurant to eat at and we bumped onto two families from my Daughters class at primary school.

She was at a small school and only had 15 kids in her class. When I saw them I had a vague recollection that they were going to the Algarve sometime that summer, but we were still all a bit gobsmacked by the coincidence of all being in the same place at exactly the same time. Particularly as none of us were staying in Vilamoura. It was certainly a Kodak moment :) (well digital moment)

Doe :wave
Last year we met some friends in the Algarve, I also bumped in to a colleagueon the small train taking us back to the car park at The Epcot Centre in Florida.

Another time I was standing on our Balcony on Ibiza when I heard the dulcet tones of another work colleague on the balcony below, they were less than impressed when they discovered we had paid a LOT less than them and flown from Glasgow our local airport while they had travelled to Manchester.

Anyway beermat we are still waiting :scratch:
Yep My brothers who both work at kelloggs manchester always bump into someone whether it be egypt,spain, tenerife...
:wave: thought i seen an old school mate from a lot of years ago but it wasn't
  • Edited by beermat 2011-01-19 15:09:07
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