Egypt Discussion Forum

Discussions regarding holidays in Egypt.
Hmm - methinks the highest member of HT is angling for a birthday party next year (check his personal details folks). Then check mine!
Of course I'm up for late July/first week in August if we can make it work.

By the way, Everest - I hope you realised you'll need a party of 25 before Mrs E gets that free place?

I thought orange vegetables had been seen in Nuweiba before? And will be again this summer.

Serious for a moment (yes, me) - an alternative might be around the time of Mr S's big 5-0 on 10th June..!
Mrs E couldn't work out what you meant by 'highest member', but I put her straight. She thought it referred to a Mod. As for your birthday Alan, who knows? you haven't got it in your profile.

We hadn't even worked out free places because it will be down to everyone to book their own holiday. We won't take responsibility for party bookings when we don't know members personally that well, if at all.

The orange veg part was referring to 'regulars', not 'first timers', but I couldn't be bothered to move it.

We did think about June, but a certain somebody would expect a jar of Marmite for each year of his life. We just haven't got that many suitcases to bring them all over!
Ok - I've added that awful date.
Actually June wouldn't work for us anyway, as Jenny will be filling in GCSE questions.
Pity.... June 10th would be good timing.... close to full moon as well... usually hot but less humid than July and August... more seats usually available in June and at a less price...

Why not spend a week at Swisscare.... think about it and let me know... if you want to go with Longwoods I can talk with them about a special price... and if you get your tickets elsewhere I can still give you guys a special price... flights could be into Sharm or Taba... or even Cairo....
We've already sorted out what we're doing in July/Aug 2007 Alvin. We'll tell you about it in a few weeks.
Having a second honeymoon in the Maldives ?

But that is July - August.... you ll have to come in June as well for the reunion ! :lol:
Nuweiba reunion & Swiss BBQ anyone?

What's a Swiss BBQ? Char grilled chocolate? Cheese 'burgers' with the burger? A free penknife to slice the burger rolls? :?
No Alan, it means Marmite with everything, then you go cuckoo.
I'll always remember those BBQ goat and Marmite sandwiches on the Swisscare beach in a force six gale!!!
We ve had a funny summer so far... most of June this year has been very windy whilst the weather has been much heavier and humid than last year. I had a barbecue for 68 persons on the beach just a few days ago and had a short storm just before which scared the sh*t out of me !
Okay guys, down to serious business - what dates are we looking at for the returners take over of the Coral Hilton? Second week of July onwards through August fine for me but have to be home for the GCSE results to figure out if I need to murder my youngest son.
The head cheerleader of the WB, Mrs E, will be co-ordinating dates... 23 July 07 onwards going into August looks most promising.
I'll be heading off on my holidays to Sharm on 30th July next year for two weeks so will be available any day from Tuesday 31st July until Sunday 12th August :wink:

I hope a date can be arranged for the day out at Swissland which I can attend (with my mum, Phyll, and so long as Mr Marmite can arrange a taxi for us)! :D

Pippy :D
Great Scott! Pippy are you going to Egypt again next year? I must have forgotten as it is several days since I last saw it mentioned on the forum!
Good job you brought it up again as i'm sure Alvin will have completely forgotten about arranging a taxi! He hasn't mentioned it to me for at least 24 hrs!

Who do you think has fuelled all these testosterone influenced comments coming out of that super Nuweiba hotel lately? You'd best be off to the airport soon, can't be too early!! :roll: :roll: :lol: :lol: :lol:
He hasn't mentioned it to me for at least 24 hrs!

Oh yes! I'm going in his single seater passion wagon! I'd forgotten about that!

Sorry mum, you'll have to sit in the boot! :lol:

I so hope this meet up happens :D
Is Pippy going to Egypt again? She kept that quiet. If you see a taxi like this Pippy, Alvin would have sent it for you.

We will be doing a DIY job this time, hopefully on the Swisscare as the trees need a little help.

We will be flying out between Thurs 26th and Mon 30th July. If Monarch don't buck their ideas up it will probably take that long anyway! Returning back here 2 weeks later (9th - 13th Aug)

Staying at Swisscare for the first week (we're not proud), transferring to the Coral for the second week.

We will liase with Alvin once everyone knows when they can get to the newly named Wild Bunch Care Nuweiba Resort for a Marmite infested BBQ. Plus we will also contact Nour or Sheriff to see if we can organise a cocktail party / reunion at the Coral (as long as Carrot doesn't expect lobster).

What we will need to know is numbers. If all those people who will be out there at that time would like to participate, you can PM me to let me know by the beginning of May if poss.

For those that have trouble, wake up calls will be available. Please book these while you are awake.

If any of this doesn't make sense, tough. :lol:
Rght now the diary for next summer looks a lot better than the one for this year did this time last year!
We'll be able to come almost anytime between 15th July and the end of the first week in August. Like Jane we ought to get back before the GCSE results come out.
So the same slot as Everest works well for us too.

When will you be in Cairo Swiss? So I can book the same weeks!
Alan, what do you mean when you say 'the end of the first week in August'? You want to be back home by then, or you'll be able to go to Nuweiba then?
Probably need to fly home on your birthday.
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