Egypt Discussion Forum

Discussions regarding holidays in Egypt.
We caught a few taxi's in Hurghada last august out of the 6 we went in 5 were brilliant but the 6th well what an adventure first he said he knew our hotel but took us to the wrong one then we were in it for over an hour for a trip that should only take 20 mins, we had arranged a price but he said he wanted more we just got out and luckily our hotel told him it was his fault and to go away won't put us of using taxi's again this year though
I have now been to Hurghada 7 times and until going in March had had no problems with taxi drivers - even when I ventured out as a lone female. The nearest I had been to any tricks was a driver taking me to downtown Dahar and refusing payment until the return trip - ie I was to get his friend the shopkeeper to phone him to pick me up. I realised they thought I was a lamb to the slaughter and bought my purchases from another shop instead!

However, this time out of 4 taxis we had problems with 3 of them. The first went through an elaborate charade of wanting us to change money for him - which we wouldn't get involved with- and then switched a note to a smaller denomination anyway though as we were wise to his game he didn't succeed. The second driver also tried a money changing trick. The third demanded a kiss which I refused so he grabbed my breast instead - I cannot claim to be traumatised but was completely stunned by the audacity of the man. I could kick myself we didn't take his number and report him to tourist police or at least scream and holler to attract the attention of hotel security (he had driven quite a way past them so he had obviously planned his move).

These guys are not doing themselves or their fellow countrymen any favours. I love Egypt but if this had been my first experience of the place I would not have gone back.
I must add, its not only egypt you find taxi drivers like this but also turkey. When in Marmaris last year we had 2 or 3 bad taxi rides and in the end felt safer to get a dolmus or walk home. We agreed a price with the driver before hand but on arriving at the hotel he demanded more plus a tip which we (2 young girls) refused as we had agreed a price. He then tried to lock the doors and take off but me and my friend managed to get away just before he took off, but the car was moving. It was a scary experience and not something i would ever want to encounter again.

Yet the next night our taxi driver was fine and quite polite. On other holidays with my boyfriend and other couples we have had no hassle when we are with men. I feel they think they can take advantage of women. :que
Hi , I had done some research on the price of a taxi from hurghada to el gouna. as we came out of the airport we were approched by several different taxis. who basically tried to rip us off. first one wanted 300 EP. We just carried on walking through. We were approaced by a smartly dressed man who asked us what we were prepared to pay. I stated £15 and no more. We accepted and were taken off to the taxi which turned out to be an old dilapidated Peugeot. However we got to our destination and gave the driver exactly that much. - no extra tip. so my advice would be to research a bit if poss, agree the price before - check the car out first and dont be intimidated to pay more.
On our return we had a lovely taxi driver , who chatted to us all the way about the country, the culture, his family etc. we gave him a 10% tip over the agreed price.
Suo, so refreshing to know that those taxi drivers still exist! I'm still planning to use taxis when I go back in July but will definately make a note of their taxi number (on the side of the cab) as a precaution! ;)
I've just returned from hurghada and I must say most of the drivers i've used have been ok. I had one do the 50 piastres/50E swap trick last year so I was more the wiser. Never paid more than 70E from hurghada to makadi bay or vice versa. Always agree the price before hand and always make a note of the licence plate/number before getting in. That always unnerves the driver and makes them think twice about trying it on. It is however quite apparent that the standard of driver has dropped. :(

I am sorry to hear about your experience Caro. It is a pity you didn't get the drivers plate/number as I do not think his life would have been worth much after that!!
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