Image of Ocean Bay Hotel

Ocean Bay Hotel

2 of 2 hotels in Bakau

4 out of 5 from 2 reviews
Atlantic Blvd, Bakau 4065, Gambia

2 Reviews

Traveller Rating

  • Excellent
  • Very Good
  • Good
  • Average
  • Poor

Review Overview

  • Cleanliness
  • Entertainment
  • Food
  • Service
  • Location
High recommended
12 years 8 months ago
This is our fourth visit to Ocean Bay and we love it. Our next visit is already being planned. Staff were very friendly and keen to help.

They now offer a local all-inclusive 'lite' option for those that have concerns leaving the hotel, we would use it as we enjoy going to the local restaurants.

When booking the star rating is local standards so do not expect UK standards. Lovely lay out of the gardens that are well maintained.

High recommended.
Diane Morris
17 years 6 months ago
The hotel is rated 5 star however I have travelled frequently and would only give this hotel 3 stars maximum.

The only good thing about the resort is the weather so if thats all you want then fine.

Bars, things to do are few and far between and the constant hassle in the resort is a nightmare. DONT pay your bill with a card they charge an extra 10% on to is are already inflated prices. They took my money twice from my account!! Two months later I am still waiting for them to admit responsibility and refund my hundreds of pounds even though they have admitted debiting me twice.

Nightmare. Not recommended.

Travel operator: thomson

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