General Holiday Enquiries, Hints and Tips

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I am hopefully (yes I've said this before) going away in January, I hope they improve soon.
The rate is still dropping - down to between 1.11 and 1.13 to the pound in most places now! At this rate it will £1=1Euro soon. Glad I took the gamble and decided not to change the leftover Euros from our October trip to the Canaries but to hang on to them for my next visit to Euroland in the spring. We were getting 1.23 Euros to the £ at the time I bought them!

We did the same SM. At the time I remember thinking the rate would be better by next year. How little we all know.

Still its not going to stop me. Even if the £ euro equal out I suspect whichever eurozone country you are in they will be glad of your trade.
Recession is everywhere but I always cater for a break in our spending.
When I get out there I'm going to barter barter barter. Which can be fun :tup

I too would like to go to eurodisney in the spring. Loved it last May although it rained.

I predict 1.02 by 24th December :( but will climb in the New Year

I just regret changing mine back in February on the ferry coming back, I should have kept them :(
I never change them back and always keep them for the next trip whenever that may be. Didn´t need to withdraw any on our cruise in September.

It´s 1.14 in Benidorm today. I have withdrawn some as we will be back for New Year and I envisage the rate will be even lower then.

luci :wave
I've learnt now :( At the time I thought it was preferable to have it back in my own currency, but now I know. I have a 5 euro note that I forgot to change but that will not get me far :whoops
It´ll get you 5 pints at the Picadilly Bar in Beni Taggy. ;)

luci :wave
Down as low as 1.09 today. Its not just the Euro rate thats dropping though. The pound seems to have dropped against many currencies over the past week or so. Connected to the interest rate reduction?? I've been checking out the rate for Turkey and from 2.5 Turkish Lira to the pound just a month or two ago its now down to 2.1. Dollar not faring much better. Hope it picks up soon for next years hols!
I wasn't at all happy that I didn't have time to spend €200 that I had purposely withdrawn to spend at the airport.
Because the rate was dropping when we got home, I didn't change it back to sterling.
I'm quite pleased I didn't now, as I got a rate of 1.28 at the time. :)
If things stay the same (and I hope to God that they don't), the money will do for my son's spends on his school trip
to Germany in July next year.
You can call me a cynic if you wish, but I believe that Broonie is waiting for the £ to drop to €1 and then we will find we are in the €uro zone and they will change it. I heard rumblings about Broonie talking about this a month or so ago and I can honestly say that I can see it coming.

Are the "Conspiracy theorists" right? :think :think
I'm with parky45 on this one. He might not even wait for an exact 1 for 1 either. If it gets to 1.05 and doesn't vary much upwards, we will be told there is no point in staying out. How much will it cost to change all our coinage and notes? Why is there always money for daft schemes even during a recession?
There seems to be a general reluctance on the part of many people in the UK to to have the UK enter the Eurozone and use Euro instead of GBPs. To be honest, (from ROI) I don't see the problem.

France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Ireland, Denmark etc have adopted the Euro and to be honest I find the whole currency easy to use and when we are on the continent we know what we are paying for anything we spend and do not have to worry what a Peseta, Korona, GBP, Guilder etc is worth.

I would welcome any explanation.
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Looks like we can still get our euros for 1.11 . Not sure whether to order my spending money for Rome over christmas now or leave it to fate for a couple more weeks . :que

H€r€ w€ go th€n.

:( :(

Th€r€'s no way that th€ wh€€l€r d€al€rs in th€ City Banks can say that the £ has lost 30% of it's tru€ valué against the €.

Com€ on Darling, g€t a grip. You dragg€d th€m out of th€ mir€ and now look what th€y'r€ doing to th€ £.

(is th€ sp€ll ch€cker working?)
If it drops much lower the Spanish will be doing ciggie runs over here. :twisted:

Robby :wink:
nice one Robby :rofl

wont be long before its negative ,1 euro worth more than 1 pound :duh
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