Spain - Costa Del Sol/Gibraltar Discussion Forum

Discussions regarding holidays in the Costa Del Sol.
:think hi everyone, wev'e booked to go to the bali hf board in july for 2 weeks,since then have saw they are doin all-inclusive tariff just wondered if you can upgrade at hotel on arrival??? if so any idea on prices, were fam of three 2 adults & a 15 yr old any help and info would be greatly recieved
many thanks
izzy :)
The Hotel Bali is owned by the Medplaya Group. For email address & telephone number see:-

Back today,the charge for upgrading from half board was 15euros per day per adult ,10euros per day children 8to12years , children up to 7years free.
Upgrading from bed & breakfast 23euros,12euros,free.
Upgading from self catering 28euros,14euros, free. So any child over 12 is charged as an adult.I suspect that these prices may increase in high summer when the hotel is busier .It works from 12noon to 12noon so if you are arriving on a late flight arrange it at reception the next morning just before noon.
Seems cheap, 15 euros for adult to upgrade to AI from HB. I think I have paid 12 euros in the past to pay for a evening meal only, as a walk in non resident.
Do they have extra bar staff on.Is there a seperate queue for AI.
No extra bar staff and no separate queue but it was not busy except at the weekend with stag parties and football teams, never had to wait long and I did notice most people were wearing AI bands you can also get dogs ,beefburgers and crisps when the dining room is closed. Teas and coffees served after 10am.
Can you just pick day's of A/I or have you got to have it for your whole stay??
Should think you would have to upgrade for whole stay at begining of holiday Dave.And all in your party as well I should think.
Maybe someone there can find out for def.
Ill have a look on there web page, or e-mail them to see if I can get a reply.
Minimum upgrade to A.I. at the Bali Hotel is 4 days.

Just had a reply to my e-mail from the Bali, your correct Mike, minimum 4 days.Strange reply though the most important bits are partialy obscured by large wavy colured font?Can just make out the 4 day bit.
I think they may have been covering up prices as I am sure they will increase them when the hotel gets busier,the price list in our room was a very amateurish affair being a sheet of paper photocopied so it will be quite easy to print more with a higher price.
Anstruther or Anyone,
Would you off hand know how much a pint of beer costs at the bar and roughly how much say burger and chips was because just trying to work out if A/I would be worth it for us.

pint was 2.60 euros (roughly)
burgers 2.40 i think, chips 1.70

we were in same boat as you. we went all inclusive and reckon we saved a bit of money.

very handy for your bottled water and soft drinks esp.

might have a price list in my case if you wanted further info.
No that's fine thanks George d. :tup Was it still 15 euros' per person and kids under 7 free, because reason I ask is we tried to get it off Thomson but they wanted £15 per person and my two yr old the same!! I've tried emailing the Bali but they have not replied.
though we dont have a kid that age, 99% certain that 7 and under were free. still 15 euros for adults.

point with upgrade, minimum 4 days and MUST run till end of stay. we wanted to do middle of our holiday only but hotel wouldnt allow presumably because you'd keep band on and keep getting free drinks :think

as i'm sure your aware only local drinks apply but the AI deal allows you to purchase premium drinks at half price eg bottle san miguel at 85 cents or a bacardi breezer at 2.25 euros. though never saw many people doing that.

if you were going to bar and asking for say a Baileys as soon as they saw you were AI they gave you the "free" alternative which to be honest was perfectly OK.

anything else just ask.
Thanks george, :tup your advice has been really helpful, i think we will go with the A/I option.
We got back from the Bali today. Just to confirm the A/I upgrade prices were as follows:

From half board: 15 Euro per adult, 10 Euro per child 8-12, Free for under 8's
From B+B: 23 Euro, 12 Euro, Free
From SC: 28 Euro, 14 Euro, Free

They still have the same amateur-looking photocopies!
Thanks Harry, what was your room like?? and did you go A/I if so what was it like??

We asked for, and got, a room on the top floor of Bali 2 looking out over the med.
The room had recently been refurbished, even including a flat panel TV on the wall. The bathroom had been done up to a high standard as well.
A bit of a squeeze for 4, with very little storage space, but it was fine.

As our kids are 9 and 10, it would've cost 50 euros a day to upgrade to A/I. We didn't think it was worth it for us as we only spent that much in the hotel on the days we stayed by the pool and had lunch at the snack bar and also spent the evening there. We didn't want to feel tied to having lunch there every day and spending every evening there just to get our money's worth. I did notice that a lot of families with younger kids did go A/I and it would have been worth it at 30 Euros a day.
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