Regular users of the forums will be aware that we do not approve of the use of phone text style abbreviations in posts, and this is also indicated in our Rules of Posting. There are various reasons for this, not least the fact that some of our visually impaired members rely on screen readers to browse the forums and they may feel discriminated against and excluded from certain discussions, because their screen readers cannot decipher phone text.

For some strange reason, the use of phone text style abbreviations seems to be on the increase in this particular forum. Because it is such a busy forum, we do not have the time to continually edit posts in order to make them readable by visualy impaired users, or to leave reminders to individual members not to use phone text in future. We will therefore just delete any further posts without warning when phone text style abbreviations are used.

To avoid having any of your posts deleted, please consider those who do not like or are unable to decipher phone text, and try to save it for your mobile phones instead.

Many thanks
David :wave