Goa Discussion Forum

Discussions regarding holidays in Goa.
Re: Baga - I thought it was just me, hell on earth we lasted about two hours.
You are so right big neil, but i am glad so many people choose to visit candolim calangute and baga, because it keeps them away from my favorite places :D
If you're an early riser, Baga is fine(IMHO) - early morning walkers, joggers(us) AND no rows and rows of sunbeds....until later, when they start to populate the beach :shock:
Well I'm obviously in the minority so far but....I really love Candolim.
Maybe its because I have only been going to Goa for the last three years so am not so aware of the differences :roll:
We don't venture much into Calangute unless to do a bit of shopping and never been too sure where Calangute ends and Baga starts :oops:
I actually quite enjoy the contrast between the more busier areas and the quiet ones....am I the only one?
IMO there is no comparison whatsover between Candolim and Benidorm.
Michelle x
As i've posted earlier i cant understand why people got to Baga/calangute candolim it's not Goa.


I don't think the Goan people know what it is either ..... EuroIndia?
Each to their own opinion eh :D But I worry that some of these negative posts will put people off from trying Goa. You've obviously seen massive changes if you've been going a while and whilst I understand that, I still think there are a lot of tourists who do enjoy their time in Candolim, Calangute and Baga. It may not be the Goa you remember but it is still Goa :D
"But I worry that some of these negative posts will put people off from trying Goa"

You don't have to be Sherlock Holmes to work out that ALL the negative reports on this board refer to the 'CCB' coastline which represents a very small part of Goa.

Is it a coincidence that most of the Tour Operators offer packages there also?

Those who explore further and don't take the easy route to any holiday destination will always find the real 'gems'.
Like Towpal says - each to their own, and some opinions should be kept to yourself!!
Big Neil
I remember you complaining like mad last year when you went to Goa...I don't understand why you keep going back?? I have seen very few positive posts from you :D
Towpal I'm with you. Never been to Benidorm but the countries that I have been to like Thailand Singapore Dominican etc are all like Goa hustle and bustle building new sounds sights and smells, that's what I go for, I live in the country and if last summer is any thing to go by I can get the sun sitting in my garden relaxing with a beer listening to the birds, peace and quiet I can get in the UK so am I going to pay a fortune to do the same thing abroad?? I don't think so :rofl :rofl.
This is only my opinion and perhaps Towpal's :wink:

I have only ever complained about the CBC coastline. That isn't exactly the whole of Goa.
Sorry but its sad to read such snobbish (IMO) posts.
Ive visted Arpora, mapusa, old goa, Calangute/baga etc and rode around to various secluded spots but I prefer Calangute mainly because of the people watching and the general buzz. Granted im in my 30's but a family man.

I used to walk by a guy my age every night in Cala with my son. He had a stall that sold samosas and we got to be mates and keep in touch via email. That makes it for me - the interaction. I love the craic, traffic, smells, bartering, the odd girl in heels? etc....

Sure things change, look at spain, tis still a nice place to visit. accept it and enjoy it.

If you want quietness and serinty go to the lake district and save yourself a few bob.
Kinda losin the point.

With the money that area is pulling in you would think something would be done with the money generated. This isn't just my view. A heck of a lot of people who I have met and love the place can no longer put up with the chaos resulting by the haphazard building. Hustle and Bustle is something building noise is another!

I would gladly stay in parts of the CCB coast if they would tidy the place up a bit. Goa has been getting great numbers of visitors and in total up every year. Where is the money going? Why is Baga still dirty with needles and pharmaceutical waste just over the bridge. Dumping of rubbish everywhere.

Yes I want to keep going back but each year a lot of people are getting hacked off by the increased building and pollution.

I liked Candolim at one time but it's now too polluted (never was before) and getting dangerous to walk down despite so called traffic calming measures.

Coco Beach... I used to like but the water is very dirty (illegal dumping) and so few toilets as they closed the ones that did!

I post this information hoping that someone from the tourist board sorts some of these problems! A lot of people say 'well it's India' , the Goan's keep telling us that 'this isn't the real India'. Other regions of Goa seem to keep their 'house' in order than this part of the coast.

The Goan Govn' are now saying that there are too many immigrant workers in this area who are exploiting tourism for a quick buck. Make a little more effort and far less corruption and excuses.
michelle i'm with you.we love calangute and are going to candolim this time because we went there quite a lot last year.we have only been going since 2004 so cant compare but, interestingly,our friends have just come back from baga and they absolutely loved it-the hustle,bustle and mad pace.my point is they first went to calangute 12 years ago and then again seven years ago so noticed a big change but liked it even more! as already stated each to their own but i certainly dont think it compares with anywhere in europe.
We all know time dosent stand still, tourisum anywhere will always try to expand,iv moaned about north goa.I like no paths,broken down buses,pothole roads,the red dust,the dogs ,the beggers,the smells,the ear cleaners,TAXI,all part of goa,what i dont like is ,with all this expantion going on,they are forgeting the infrastructure,even the back of baga has been turned into a landfill,most people put up with it because its cheap,take that away,and it would be a different story all together.
there is certain people on this forum,who dont like people having a oppinion,we are called snobes ,keep our mouth shut if we cant say any thing nice,it the people of goa that are going to suffer, not us we can go somewhere else,
You find what you like and what you don't in an area don't you? We really liked Candolim and liked visiting Calangute and Baga but wouldn't choose to stay at either. We really liked Vagator for a quiet day but wouldn't have liked to stay there either.

This time we are going to look at the South but I think we will find it too quiet for us for any length of time. We like hustle and bustle and although it may not be the Goa of old Candolim works for us.

I think the good thing is that there are still places that people can identify as being the Goa they remember - what I think is a shame is that mass tourism will undoubtedly find it's way to them and they will eventually be lost.
I think the negative posts are great! IMHO! The fewer people who come here from the UK the better, I can understand why the locals, both Goans and ex pats call the average British tourist CT's (Charter Trash). Many, and I'm afraid it's the majority really don't have a clue what the place is about or even where they are in relationship to the rest of the counry (or world) I've heard people leaving Goa at the airport, talking about what a nice island it is?? Others have never left their AI complex or eaten that "foreign muck" I agree that the Candolim, Calangute, Baga area is overdeveloped but for those who want to look and find there are plenty of other options here. We as tourists and travellers have greatly contributed to the current situation either directly or indirectly, we have made the local people, and out of state people greedy, we trade with them we befriend them, I have been here 20 times plus and believe me the ones I call friends and can trust I can count on one hand. WE have spoilt the place and the people. (IMHO of course) :cry:
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