General Holiday Enquiries, Hints and Tips

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A small amount.. :yikes
I used it last week on my legs as they had really caught the sun, got up the next morning and my legs resembled carrots!!! :yikes and the bedding was a rather peculiar colour where my legs had been. I bought two for my hols.
Use sparingley, thats all I can say.
Ooh strange. My tan's looking very natural so I thought it was just maintaining the colour I got on hols :que I haven't got any strange colours on my clothes either.
This is the one I'm using and the description does say it contains a small amount of fake tan.
so it doesn't really prolong your natural tan then - it just puts fake tan on top of it :think
Yea that's the same as the £3.57 one in Tesco

Excellent price ;)
so it doesn't really prolong your natural tan then - it just puts fake tan on top of it

Yep, thats exactly what it does. :rofl
I think that's what most tan maintainers do Helen although some are better than others.

I know they recommend exfoliating and moisturising regularly to keep a natural tan going but tbh, it doesn't matter how often I do that I can't see it makes a difference.

I quite like Dove holiday skin (prefer the smell to Johnsons) but I find this Ambre Solaire one in a different class. Well it works for me anyway ;)
I've only used a tan maintainer once, and can't remember it doing anything different for me :que
I've used the Boots No7 tan maintainer and can recommend it. Yes, all it does is top up your own tan with a bit of fake tan but it does look natural and doesn't have a fake tan smell. I have also used it to tone down 'winter white' legs in the first few weeks of shedding tights and found it better than the Johnsons Summer Skin stuff. I think this is mainly because it really does only contain a small amount of fake tan and so it's less likely to make you look orange or streaky. I've also found excellent for helping to blend in strap marks too.

Saw Riemann P20 200ml in Asda today for £12 :sun2 Only thing is I had also seen another once a day suntan lotion called Calypsol near to it for £6 for 200ml :que

So going to google it and read up if it's just as good. I'd rather pay £24 for 4 bottles then £48 :cheers
I've used Calypso sun products and they are as good as branded names but really don't like the once a day ones. We tried them a couple of years ago (Soltan) and we all burnt terrible( followed instructions with bottles to the letter ) so had to fork out a fortune for more in Cyprus!!
Wasn't it Asda/Sainsbury's own brands that beat the named brands in a test by 'Which' ?
Yes it was Glynis . I mentioned it maybe the last page back but thought it was new information.

I tried the Asda one at Easter and found it very good.
I've not used the Calypso once a day lotion but I do love their dry oil spray it's not sticky and doesn't leave marks on your clothes like the Ambre Solaire clear spray. However I prefer a cream for my face
Oh poo - just dashed into bedroom to check & I've bought the clear Ambre Solaire Factor 20) :( It was on offer in one of the shops) It's rare I get to Asda as well :sulk
Take both Glynis . I like the ambre solaire clear spray.Always buy a couple of bottles of that for using as my top up lotion. It's really easy to use as is the Banana boat mist spray which gave an excellent coverage if you had nobody available to do your back for you. I did a link for that a page or 2 back too.

I did a home grocery order from Asda . The chap turned up at my door with 2 little carriers bags of sun products . Their high factor face cream was excellent too. so good I stopped applying it too often because I wasnt getting any colour on my face. :D
Glynis the Ambre Solaire is fine just be careful if your wearing white swimwear as it does discolour it didn't have a problem with coloureds.

We also used Malibu clear spray and found it in an aerosol too at B&M which was really quick and easy to apply and could even do my back myself!!
I haven't got white swimsuit but lots of white tops so am now a little nervous of taking it :(

Problem is I don't like the smell of some products as they usually whiff of coconuts. I've got Factor 15 Pizz Buin and like the smell of that so may just take that one :tup
The only difference I have googled up is that Calypso only offers 6 hours for it's once a day promise, whilst Riemann P20 offers 10 hours.

Other then that reviews are about the same for both products. So think I am going to go for the cheaper option and buy the Calypso product.

Going to buy 4 bottles next week (incase the price or product changes/disappears)and pack them away until my holiday in October
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