Image of Blue Bay Seaside Resort Complex Hotel

Blue Bay Seaside Resort Complex Hotel

4 of 5 hotels in Ialyssos

4 out of 5 from 46 reviews
3 stars
Leoforos Lalyssou, Rhodes 85101, Greece
The Blue Bay is situated 10 km from the city of Rhodes, 4 kms away from the airport and 2 kms from Ialyssos Town, on the west coast of the island, with its cooling breezes and shingle beach making it ideal for sunbathing and swimming.

46 Reviews

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Review Overview

  • Cleanliness
  • Entertainment
  • Food
  • Service
  • Location
Tracey Parkin
14 years 2 months ago
We were a varied group Mum, Dad, 12 & 17 year old boys and Grandad (who are all hard to please). From the moment we arrived the reception were extremely helpful and we were shown direct to our room. The animation team were excellent - making sure all members of the group were involved (if they wanted to be). Food was excellent with lots of variety for all the family, Drinks were decent quality for local brands, Reception and lounge area were very comfy and provided an excellent choice if you didnt want to watch the show, Games room had loads of choice for the kids, Rooms were comfy and clean, Pools were clean and offered a good choice for all needs, Staff were extremely friendly and helpful. A good alrounder. Excellent value for money. Only downside is that sometimes hotel can be on the flight path and this can be a bit noisy but offers a good view if you are a plane spotter. Did not spoil the holiday. Would go back

Travel operator: Fleetway Travel

Graham & Karen
14 years 11 months ago
I had read the reports on this Hotel prior to going out in August 2009 and was really worried. However we have just come back from 12 days in a really clean Hotel where the Air con works. The food is good and a great mix for the salad eaters to kids favourites of pasta and chips. Do not expect Sunday roast and potatoes till you get home this is Greece it really was nice and not lukewarm at all. Food queues were no problem if people butted in they were as often British as from anywhere else but it was not often and tended to be kids. Entertainment was like amateur dramatics or school panto a bit cheesy but after a few drinks we and the rest of Europe were laughing together.
It is about 30% Brits, 30% Dutch and the rest from around Europe, all just having fun. Towel run at 7:15 in morning meant the Brits had plenty of space around pool.
The Aqua Park was great and the kids spent mornings there while Nan rested by main pool.
The band system needs checking with your agent. With Thompson/First choice we had VIP bands which meant we got everything free including aqua park, DVD player, sun beds, ice cream, etc; all except drinks at main bar. Cocktails 3 euros from 7 to 8 only discovered on 2nd last day well worth a try!

If you have booked this holiday as a family holiday you will not be disappointed. Do not worry about the reports you will have a laugh only a few people sit at the bar beside main pool which is free bar. It is only by the pool and not the half a mile implied by some reports. Most just get their drinks and watch the show.
If adult only you may find it a bit too child friendly if in school holidays.
We were worried when we read this website. It pays to check your bands but if you are a normal family looking for sun and fun and prepared to laugh you will really enjoy this holiday.


Travel operator: Thompson

Steve Ang Keeva Connor Bell
14 years 11 months ago
this is the second year running we have stopped at the blue bay and like last year we had a brilliant time the rooms are very clean the staff always helpful there was a lot more english there this year was better as most of the germans think they owned the place last year different story this year thow. the annimation team are fantastic Billy ,Baboo, reka, bea and the rest were always so geared up for a laugh and no one was left out the kids loved them, the night entertainment was good fun and if you wanted to join the team on the stage you were always welcome. I've read a few of the reports from other people that have stopped here and they must be stuck up a holiday is what you make it and with the entertainment team at the blue bay you do have a laugh

Travel operator: thomas cook

14 years 11 months ago
We were a party of 14, 8 adults 3 teenagers and 3 children... All inclusive the food was quite nice had different chioces every night always had soup lovely salads and pasta they had even a chinese theme one night. The wine at meal times was quite nice to. The restaurant staff work really hard and it was always clean and tidy and they were very kind and polite . The all inclusive drinks were a let down :( The lager was lovely nice fruit juices but the only alcholic shorts they had was vodka , whiskey , gin, so if you dont drink these you will be stuck no cocktails unless you bought them. They did have known brands like Baileys, Peach snappes, Southern comfort, Martini , Strongbow, but had to pay for them like most all inclusives . A man used to come in and make a lovely sangria in the nights but once it was gone it was gone but dont worrie there is a supermarket down the lane which sells most alco pops and spirits and ciders for 1.50 euro we used to take back to our hotel and drink around the entertainment and the staff didnt mind because at the end of the day we were all inclusive if u want to spend your money supermarket its up too you , its just a little disappionting that u had to do that because there was not much chioce of alcholic drinks..BUT if you like ice cream you will love theres the ice creams are delicious....!

The entertainment staff are all FAB !!! very enthusiastic good games up for a laugh the whole family will be entertained if u want to be from old to young you can join in different games around the pool every morning except for there day off once a week darts twice a day you can win a cocktail which are lovely BILLY BABOU & DEXTER the adults entertainment staff are just fab in fact they all are even to see the smaller children joing in and having there entertainment was lovely. After the entertainment had finished about 10.30 11ish they had a man come in and sing live music some nights til 1am , for the teenagers they had a disco underneath so they had some where to go , you have to pay for your drinks down there but the music was good.

The water park is good not loads of slides but we all enjoyed them very clean and safe good area for small children with the pirate ship and little slides lots of water fountains and your drinks are free in there too so are your sandwiches its only across a small road not far at all out side the reception area.

There are a few pools around the hotel some baby pools some small pools dotted around the main pool is quite big but they are refurbishing it this winter for next summer they are having a swim up bar put in and another pool. The pool was clean and cleaned everynight. The sunlounges are a problem you can never get 1 unless you are up at the crack of dawn which we never was so we decided to put our towels on our lounges at 2am in the morning before we went to bed if you cant beat them join them we were slightly embarrassed doing so but thats the only way to get a sun lounger in peak season lol. From the main pool you can see the sea lovely colour lovely and clean beach the pool is right next to the beach the only problem is the pebbles to get in the sea you need sea shoes there is lots of pebbles on entry to water but then goes into sand . The bed chairs are free on the beach if you have white bands.

There are different coloured bands in this hotel because of all the sister hotels.White bands is what we had and we booked with first chioce every thing is free then there was Orange bands which u had to pay for sun beds and there was green bands im not sure if they had to pay for the water slides . Guests for Sunland had orange bands and they could use our facilities .

Out side the hotel is not that busy a few supermarkets and restaurants but the resort is a low key it could do with more going .

Travel operator: first chioce

Holland Family
16 years ago
This was the first time we had stayed AI. We anticipated that there may be limitations to the quality of "free" drinks and snacks. However all in all we could not say that the quality of the food available was poor but we have had more selection in the past when staying half board.

The main issue was the drinks. During the day this was not a problem, at night however the area from which you had to get your drinks could be likened to a basic taverna with uncomfortable wooden chairs and a "canteen" feel to the place. We chose to sit in the main bar area where there were more comfortable seats, however obtaining them was the difficulty! My husband was not as fussy as me about the quality of drinks available and whilst I am not a big drinker it would have been nice to have been able to drink something palatable! I chose not to drink from plastic beakers,often rough around the edge.

As other people have stated there are few English guests, something that we have no issue with normally but we did find that there was little opportunity to "mix" and our 12 year old son became a little isolated and bored during the evenings.

The entertainment was pants........geared toward the humour of other nationalities and very childish. If you are reading this before going to the hotel, do not be totally disappointed! We made the most of our holiday and there are many positive points I have only pointed out the negative!!!

I would recommend that you have a good look around the island as well as relaxing around the pool,it is a lovely place. We didnt stay in the main hotel, we stayed at what was originally Matoula Beach. It was quieter and the sun beds were free (If you could get hold of one). The guy cooking pizza and serving drinks in that area was lovely, as were all the staff that we had contact with.

We had read reports about the Matoula being poor, if you do not like your room ask to be put on the 3rd floor (as we did) they are upgrading from the top down and the rooms are much better.

The aircraft noise did not bother us, we enjoyed looking at the under carriages and guessing the next one! The main bonus was that it drowned out the constant noise from the animation team!!!!

Travel operator: you travel

Jackie White
16 years 11 months ago
Jackie, Mick, Sam, Calum and Harvey have just returned from Blue Bay.

We had a great holiday, my only moan is the awful lager, I was dying for a pint when I got back!!!

The hotel is lovely, very clean, very nice and the staff are helpful. It got a bit like a school ground in the restaurant as a lot of people have no manners and just push and shove but I could live with that!! The food was great, wonderful choice and something for everyone. My only other gripe about restaurant was the lack of tables for more than 5 people and the amount of rude people who used the large tables when there was only actually 3 0r 4 of them!!!

Pools were excellent, slides were is ideal for both kids and adults.

Would go back to this hotel!!!!


Travel operator: First Choice

Keith & Vicki
16 years 11 months ago
Now, before i start can i just point out that i've posted a fair few reviews (on here and on other websites) about hotels & holidays and if you read them then you will know that we are not the sort of family that go away looking for things to moan about....we believe a holiday is what you make it!!!

Onto the review - this hotel is a fantastic place to go on your summer hols....if you're german!

I've never met such an ignorant, arrogant, pig headed, rude and generally bloody awful race of people in my whole entire life and never again will i holiday in a hotel that doesnt cater for Brits as a majority. We go on holiday to taste different cultures....but these cultures are of the land we're in and not of the majority race of people that happen to be staying in the hotel.
They dont believe in queueing for food/drinks, they ignore you when you say "morning" or "hello" in passing or in the lift, they knock into you then look at you as if you've just dropped out of a dogs bum and its your fault when you turn round and apologise out of common courtesy.....awful people, and dont even get me started on the speedo's issue :-) lol

Everything about the Blue Bay is geared up for the Germans, from the food (when its not a themed italian or greek night) right through to the entertainment which can only be described as rubbish toilet humour. There was me and my wife, our 2 kids (11 & 4) and 2 other couples with their kids who generally sat together each night and couldnt believe that people found the "entertainment" funny!!! Billy & Baboue are a good laugh and do try hard, but you can tell they're trying to please the majority of guests which is fair enough. My 4yo danced to the mini disco everynight though and loved it!

It's a shame really as Rhodes is a beautiful island (our first time there) the hotel itself is really nice, very clean and the rooms are big enough for what you need on holiday (somewhere to store your clothes and sleep in), we had a lovely view of the pools/stage & Turkey from our balcony, we did have a few ants in our room - mountaineering ants i think as we were on the 4th floor, but nobody else we spoke to did so maybe we were just unlucky, the pools were ample, however the 2 smaller ones we used were only cleaned once while we were there, the largest pool only cleaned twice i believe - this in my opinion is nowhere near good enough but there you go!

The food was nice enough, that said i'll eat anything thats put infront of me, but the choice was a quite limited. My 4yo is a fussy eater and didnt really eat at all while we were there and it was a big concern to us, so much so we comitted the cardinal sin and took her to McDonalds in Faliraki just so that she'd actually eat something. It was our first time going all inc too and were told by some ohers at the hotel that it was the worst AI they'd ever stayed at due to the limited choice of drinks too. The kids loved it for the non stop ice creams and coke and i liked the beer, but the wife didnt like anything so i had to pay for her drinks all week.

Another point to note - the aircraft noise, yes they do fly a little low but its not a problem at all as you get used to them and dont notice them. It didnt bother us during the day or night so dont believe it when people tell you its unbearable!!

To sum up, we'll definately go back to Rhodes but will go nowhere near the Blue Bay due to its other, less mannered thanks for ruining what could have been a lovely holiday german folk, remind me to return the favour sometime!

Travel operator: Eclipse Direct

Marie Brown
17 years ago
This hotel was nice and clean but there were a few areas we were unhappy with. The entertainment is not great although the animation team did try their best. The main bar area is for paying guests only therefore if you are there all inclusive you have to go to another bar nearer the beach to get your drinks, this was a total pain. This hotel charges for using the sunbeds around the pool so be prepared as its 3 euros per bed. The food is not great and luke warm the majority of the time and snacks are practically non existant. We used the waterpark the majority of the time a) it doesn't open until 10.30 therefore you can get a long lie and b) there are plenty of sunbeds and you don't have to pay for them (entrance to the waterpark is normally 15 euros per adult and 10 euros for kids however because we were in the hotel it was 10 euros per adult and 5 euros for kids). As part of our holiday package we had a 12 days pass for the waterpark and didn't realise until we tried to gain entrance the first time. There aren't an awful lot of restaurants etc around about the hotel but there was a restaurant about 400 yards to the right of the hotel which served great pizzas and a pub to the left of the hotel. The pub has internet access @ 1.5 euros for 1/2 hour whereas the hotel charges 4.5 euros per half hour. The wine is not very nice and neither is the beer. The receptionists are quite nippy especially when you're asking for change for the snooker tables. Safety deposit boxes are 35 euros and you do not get a refund once you hand the key in

Travel operator: Thomas Cook

17 years ago
What a fantastic holiday.

When we arrived it was about 6pm and the hotel was spotless. We got to our room and it was clean and cold (thanks to the air con!). The fridge was stocked with cold soft drinks for us which was just what we needed.

There are a few pools - we stayed by the quieter one as we had small children - the main pool is good for teenagers but not young children. The pools are checked everyday and are cleaned often - we did not have to worry once about the pools.

There are plenty of sunbeds and yes, you do have to get up early to put your towels down - but all of us did it, not just the Germans. More and more sunbeds were being delivered during our stay so nobody was without one when they needed it.

The people we met on holiday were great - there is obviously the odd person who acts like an idiot, but there's no specific nationality - we made friends with people from around Europe and everyone looks out for each other and each other's kids. The hotel is extremely safe and we found everyone to be friendly and helpful and they all loved kids.

The food is a good variety - and why would you go on holiday to give your children chicken nuggets? Our kids tried all the food and didn't eat the kids meals once - so it is down to what you chose to give your kids to eat. There's lots of food to chose from, and we didn't have one dodgy meal - it's all freshly cooked and there's lots of it. My only complaint is that I've put on weight!

The free drinks is a marvel - the kids didn't pester us once for a drink as they could go and get it themselves. They could also go and get an ice cream whenever they wanted. Snacks are on hand in the morning and afternoon and if you go to the sister hotel next door you can make yourself a toastie sandwich which can cure any hangover!

The water park is good - we got 12 free days to go there and it was worth it. Although the children have to be over 7 to go on some of the big slides, there is plenty for the under 7's - there's a pirate ship with little slides and tunnel and my 2 and 4 yr old loved it.

But the best thing of the entire holiday was the entertainment. My kids (the 4 and 6 yr old) went in the kids club every day and loved the staff and the activities they did were brilliant. We all joined in the evening 'mini-disco' and loved it. The adult entertainment was good also. You have to join in and realise you're on holiday and can act like a plum if you want to. All the kids run to Billy when they see him as he is brilliant with them (and the parents!). A massive thank you to the entertainment staff, Billy, Babou, Reka (kids club queen!), Magda (gymnastique!), Jo-Jo, Valentina, Susie and the rest of them - the list could go on - they really are brilliant and work exceedingly hard all day and night to give you a good holiday.

We are definitely going back - my kids would be heart-broken if we didn't and I would be as well - it is an excellent place to go if you join in and have fun.

Travel operator: Thomas Cook

Graham'wendy'and Family
17 years 1 month ago
The Good Points

Very nice view and quite a clean place and animation team were quite good which made a change and did try and involve everyone but at the start they did not really do much for the kids but after someone had a fall out with them and the hotel manager was spoken to they started to do more things for the kids as well.

Bad Points
Shower was broken when we first got to the hotel and took 3 days to repair also my girlfriends parents bin was full of rubbish in there room when they first got in it.

The 3 swimming pools at the hotel were not upto much either poor and very basic.

The food never changed one bit hardly. But I know all inclusive get abit like that but at least at some places we have stopped at on all inclusive did change from time to time.

Also did not like the fact that we had to queue up at nearly every meal times.

OHHHH and apart from having to set your alarm for 6 o'clock in the morning to beat the ignorant Germans to the sun beds it was not to bad. And thought 18 euros for the Greek night was abit of a rip off.

Travel operator: First Choice

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