Egypt Discussion Forum

Discussions regarding holidays in Egypt.
bombs in dahab
121 Posts
Hi Ronprowse - I totally agree with your sentiments - be a little more vigilant - but don't let it stop it enjoying your holiday.
See you at St Georges - I'm arriving with my Welsh T-shirt on 11 June and can't wait !
My brother in law is Egyptian, and a nicer, kinder man you will never meet. I feel for the Egyptian people and all those who have been affected.
See you in just over 6 weeks ! :)u
We've just got our currency this morning so come hell or high water we're going

Terrorists want mounting and stuffing -- no that's too good for them

feed 'em to the sharks SLOWLY
Good Morning to you all from sunny Darwen.
Just read a few of the latest posts,hey don't jump to soon and cancel your Egyptian holiday remember this if you are going to the Taba area you are in your hotel at night as there is nowhere else to go so there really isn't a cat in hells chance of being in any danger AND if you are in sharm and decide to stay at your hotel at night the same will apply, if you go on trips again there have been no attacks during the day, so as I say don't cancel before you give it some logical thought, the security will be as tight as the proverbial duck's bum, the cowards only come out after dark like the cockroaches they are, so if you have never been to either resort you don't know what you are missing.
I persuaded a friend of mine to go last year, his wife was a bit worried and the journey from Taba airport to Nuweiba did not impress her one little bit, her comment was where have you brought me, John thought oh my god what have you done to me Pete until they arrived at the hotel, her comment then was I don't believe how beautiful this is, needless to say they had a fantastic time and are going again, they told me it was the best holiday they have ever experienced, so go on you will not regret it.
Happy holidays
Pete & Ann
:wave :sun :glynis
After traveling in Northern Ireland durning the bombings there is no way I am not going to Egypt on me long awaited holiday.

I shall be at the Sea Life Hotel from the 03 July 2006 if any one wants a drink with me :glynis

They would not put me off before and will not put me off now.
Well I'm off to Egypt tomorrow :? 1 week on the nile then onto Sharm staying at the Hyatt Regency, you cant let these people dictate your life, I hope we stay safe :)
Am sure you have a great time and staying at a great hotel too enjoy we canot let thses kind of people stop us seeing a wonderfull place like egypt
Six more sleeps we will be in Sharm

said it before and will repeat myself

the bomber ain't terrorising us
I was in Alexandria when the attacks happened in Dahab.... the next day, there were about 200 riot police on the sea front in Alex.... some Egyptians were having a silent peaceful protest with banners.....

No other incidents took place.

I just need some advice really. I was really looking forward to spending my holiday in Egypt this August, but with the bombings that have happened in Dahab it has really put me off. :cry:

I've been looking at other places to go like Cyprus and Cuba but I would still love to go to Egypt. I was going to stay in the Concorde El Salam, in Sharm.

Has anybody recently been there, what is the atmosphere and security like?

I was in Sharm in April and we went to Dahab the week before the bombs and ate at the restaurant that was bombed. We have just booked to return next year with our 2 children as Egypt is the most fantastic place, the people are incredible and we actualy felt very safe. Security around Sharm is high and there are security measures in place everywhere. Don't let these idiots put you off!
I know what your saying and to be honest I feel a bit silly. I use to live in the Middle East and when people use to say 'oh i dont know how you dare live their with terrorists and bombings' it would really annoy me :bhead because I knew how safe it was.

But I can't help it, I dont know if its because I've never been there before. I still really want to go but I dont know if I could relax.. :roll:
You have to make that decision yourself because if you are worried it could spoil your holiday, all anybody on here can do is give you their honest opinion. Look back on this thread at the discussions we have had and see if it helps you at all. It is a difficult call I know...
We are still going to go in August at the moment. Going to Sharm. Thought it would be best maybe not to venture out as much as we would of done and stay more in our hotel. It's a shame to do this but we all need to keep safe don't we. I think we will venture out a couple of times at least but will be much more alert.
Yeah Carrie, thats something I've thought of, finding a good hotel and just staying there for the two weeks. It is a shame though, I wanted to go to the souks, do some shopping and see a little bit of the town. Thats what a holiday is about. 8)

But what it comes down to is whether or not it bothers you. :roll:
would you think twice about using the Tube in London.........
Well I wouldn't use it no, because I don't live there.
would you think twice about using the Tube in London.........

I was very reluctant to use the tube before the London Bombings, on my very few visits to the capital, but you wouldn't get me on it now :shock: When i was last in London at Christmas I walked or got a taxi...

Went to Hurghada in Janaury (didn't hink much of it) but was thinking of giving Sharm a try as I have heard it is a much better area...but no way now...Sorry but i would just much rather go somewhere a bit safer... i know everyone is saying that security is tight, but I don't want to go on holiday and not be able to go out and about without armed guards at every corner :? and the idea of having armed gurads at the entrance to the hotel would have frightened the life out of my children when they were young (grown up now :lol: ) but the grandchilden would be the same...

Good on you all for not letting it spoil your hols and all the very best of british to ya... but not for me I'm affraid. :roll:
Hi,,i am new to this site,,i have lived on and off in dahab for 14 years,we were their at christmas with our three kids,,the youngest at that time was three months,we have built our house and planned our new life their,and off we go in july,,, :D sure i am worried,,but i love dahab,it is my first home,,i am from scotland,but living at the moment in austria,,the people are great,the life is easy and their is no stress,,the kids love it,,,it means "gold" in arabic,,,and it is that in every sence of the word,, 8) heart bleeds for the people who had their lifes stolen from them,,Dahab is a place to chill and everybody is really your friend,,,i wish and hope you will come and visit the place of gold,,,their is really nothing like it,,,pease and live life to the max! :wink:
Hi Savannah

I just wanted to put your mind at rest regarding the present security in Sharm el Sheik.

I returned yesterday from a week on the Nile then a week in Sharm and if anything the security was oppressive rather than slack! (in a good way though I must add) Every vehicle is thoroughly searched constantly with mirrors, the boot opened and drivers had to produce pass cards when driving into Hotel complexes. No cars/taxis are allowed to drive into the Naarma bay area where tourists shop,eat etc which is reassuring.

I would recommend that you use a good reliable hotel taxi rather than the blue and white taxis that are readily available everywhere, they are mostly owned and driven by unlicenced and uninsured drivers!
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