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delhi belly
128 Posts
I have seen alot of the bottles of gel in Boots at the moment, think they might be on offer!
one sure way of preventing the DB's is to clean your hands before eating. We use the antiseptic handwipes. You also get it in gel form.

Excellent advice. :lol:
Thankyou gemma i have mine on order, Great info on here :) maureen
Thanks Max, yes everything does help. We take the probiotic drinks every morning and I normally take yoghurt to work.
I take the antiseptic hand gel with me as well, and I always have baby wipes in my bag (even at home)
I have no side effects from the tablets tho, and they do work :D
PS. No problem Green eyed lady, hope they work for you too. We are all here to help each other in this forum :lol:
This Nov will be my 4th visit to Goa and bit apprehensive as I had the dreaded Deli Belli last year for the 1st time, despite all usual precautions, use of probiotics, anti bacterial hand gel and anything else possible. I think it's all down to luck, as others with me haven't been affected.
I used vomit stop which I bought in Goa. I would't use anti diarrhoeal medication unless it was in emergency such as for flight home as it is better to "get it out of your system!". having said that, looking foward to the sun relaxtion, hope lightening doesn't strike in the same place twice!! :roll:
Some time ago I was watching a daytime TV show and they were talking of this type of thing on holiday. There was a consultant delli belli type doctor who suggested that you take a small dose of antibiotic every day. This would help to offset any problems you may get.

My first question was, will your GP prescibe it, not a chance. But it is good advice so when you arrive in Goa go straight to Jonny's the Chemist in Calangute and buy as many as you want for a few rupees.

My wife and I have done this for many years , and touch wood, no problems.
We took Holland & Barrett pro-biotic tabs this year, all was well for 3 weeks then my poor wife succumbed. Our policy when getting struck down is get a Dr straight away because he/she will give you a jab which acts instantly. Ironically when the young Dr came from the Candolim practice after the jab etc., she gave my wife pro-biotic tabs but they were 4 times the strength that we all buy in Holland and Barrett so we think we will buy the local high strength in Candolim this year.

Totally agree with wet wipes, alcohol rub, factor 30 etc.

:glynis it's why God gave us hands
Hi rokerender
What was the name of the antibiotics you got to ward off the DB? sounds interesting and certainly worth a try - as long as you can indulge in the Kingfisher and Honey Be while taking them!! :wink:
Antibiotics only work against infections caused by bacteria. They don't work against any infections caused by viruses.

BUPA have an excellent website regarding treatment/prevention of Gastroenteritis.
Hi Ilovegoa

My wife is back in the morning , she's the expert on medical things, so I'll post it sunday.

No problems withbeer , spirits or whatever

i have been going to goa for 10 years this march i had some dodgy mussels i got food poisoning and was very poorly just becareful when eating seafood at that time of year.
While keeping your hands clean is essential and using pro-biotics may help one has to be aware that DB is mainly (not always) due to food poisoning.
The term Delhi belly seems to be used so as not to frighten the sufferer regarding what they may really have:

Campylobactor, Salmonella, h-Pylori, Giardia and any parasitic infection.

Gastritus is a generic term used for infection with bacteria, viruses, or other parasites.

I have done a heck of a lot of research as I had 'Gastritus' in Feb. I was VERY ill, if I hadn't known what it was (had this once before in Goa but not as bad) I would have been in hospital. My doctor thought it could have been Salmonella or Campylobacter.

If you get it PHONE A DOCTOR and drink PLENTY of rehydration salts (Enerzal or any brand) which are easy to get hold of.

A word of advice, do take it seriously as if you had this in UK the Health Board would shut down the restaurant IMMEDIATELY to contain the contamination. Salmonella, Campylobacter, Giardia and more are prevelant in Goa.

9 months on I am suffering from the after effects of 'Gastritus', now I have IBS. I've had stool tests, blood tests, visits to therapists... it goes on and on.

PS: I am not posting this information to put anyone off from going to Goa just giving some in-site into the DB problem. While not a vegetarian I would seriously consider this an option if I ever travel to India again.
And yes the article on Gastroenteritis on the BUPA site is VERY informative.

ESSENTIAL reading for everyone.

Interesting to know you can get it from someone sneezing and coughing.
Been to Holland and Barrett today to buy the Acidophilus Bifidus tablets again. Started tonight as its only 4 weeks til Goa time.
Great tablets, really help prevent as many upset tummies :(
In November I got them for £3 something but they are £6.29 per 100 .... still worth every penny.
as I've said in other posts, we took the Doxy(antibiotic) for Malaria (7 of us) no sunburn and as the pharmacist predicted not one of us had the slightest rumble in the tumble, :tup (they did make me sick when we got home but thats another story)
The Acidophilus arent anything to do with malaria, its for upset tummies.
Had Campylobacter a few years ago.Strangely enough I strongly suspect I caught it from a dish bought from my local Indian.Would not wish it on my worse enemy,thought,and at times wished I was going to die.Doctor told me it can be fatal in weak or elderly people.

In Goa we have only ever had mild forms of delhi belly and I put this down to several factors,first having travelled to many far flung places of the world and picked up various illnesses of the stomach I think you build up a certain resistance.

Also you are sampling so many different food types you get used to the various different spices and your belly can tolerate them more easily.

Finally and most imortantly,pure luck.If you are going to get it no matter what precauctions you take you will be ill and for the last few trips we have been lucky.Also lets not forget the food hygeine in goa has improved so much in the last ten years or so.

I wish you all illnes free holidays.


Hi Gemma

What i meant was that the Doxy prevents stomach problems as well as covering for Malaria so it plays a dual role :tup None of us had the sun sensitivity which it says can be an issue (just applied plenty of sunscreen as you would anyhow) , so if people are prone to Deli Belly (my OH usually suffers where ever we go ,even in the USA :que ) it might be worth considering the Doxy instead of another anti malarial,killing to birds with one stone :)
Yes I have also read that about Doxy, as it's an antibiotic. By all accounts it's a good anti-malarial to take as it covers alot of infections too, including stomach upset.
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