Goa Discussion Forum

Discussions regarding holidays in Goa.
My favourite memory is first time we made the trip to Dudhsagar waterfalls.

We organised a taxi for the day rather than an organised trip, I suppose by goan standards Gopi was the equivalent of a "flat capped" Sunday afternoon driver in England. :rofl

I remember during the journey we overtook a lorry overtaking a tuk tuk whilst going up a hill only to be met with a lorry overtaking a taxi coming in the opposite direction, how we never crashed I will never know. :yikes

The trip in the jeep to the waterfalls, I have never been thrown about so much in my life. It was worth every bone jarring moment.

The monkeys greeting you in the car park and then following you along the path in the hope of a reward of a banana or piece of fruit.. Fighting amongst themselves if one is getting more than another

The chirping of the birds and other noises from the jungle and sitting at the base of the waterfall watching the milky white water cascading over the dark grey rocks. I love to hear the noise of cascading water; I sit close my eyes and drift into another world.

Sorry if I have rambled on, it's not just one memory I recall but a whole experience

My favourite memory is ....

Stepping off the plane, feeling the heat of the sun and taking a deep sniff! I love the smells of Goa (good and bad). I smile like a loony and immediately relax. Brings tears to my eye every time - I know I have come "home".

Whenever I feel a bit rubbish at home, I look around at the picturs of Goa and our friends we have up, and it makes me smile again :hyper :pele :clap
Walking down to anjuna beach, passing the welcoming cow, via the back entrance of the Shore Bar........................... thinking why am I here and what the :cheers ..........................changing into absolute bliss on entry. Only to be beaten by night time and 'floating' music.

Then getting two locals to drive!?!? us home from the dark up some road :yikes
A funny memory from the first time we went - Nov 97.

We did the waterfall trip, but it had rained during the week and what is normally a dry river bed, was quite deep with water. Anyway, the jeep got stuck and was just wheelspinning. The guide got out and said that we would have to push. There was only two men on board and 4 ladies. There was no way I was getting out and standing in that that water, so my husband, Robin( boyfriend at the time ) and a guy called Andy had to get out with the guide (in his little flip-flops ) and push. It was well and truely stuck and didn't seem to be going anywhere. Until my husband asked the guide if there was ever anything in this water. To which he replied " sometimes crocodile, sometimes snake ""

Funnily enough my Robin and Andy found the strengh from somewhere and pushed the jeep out in seconds !!

We always talk about this to people, as it was so funny, especially the way the guard told them "sometimes crocodile, sometimes snake !"
Madaboutgoa. Is it every feb or there abouts that the hatching of the turtles happens in AGONDA..
Hi Sleep_r_us ~ yes, it would be late Feb early March, dependent on when there's a new moon. Spoke to Shekhar at Madhu at the weekend and the turtles have nested.
MadaboutGoa will i be to late to see it i will hopefully be there 19th march..
mine has to be when we saw a big monkey being chased by some black birds it was running down the middle of the road we thought it was a dog until our taxi got right up beside it ......he must have taken something from the birds they were all dive bombing him :rofl :rofl
So many to choose from but one that stands out is the first time we took the ferry across the Chapora River, this was in the days before the bridge was built. It was packed with kids returning to Morjim after a day at SFX school in Siolim. Needless to say we were a great form of amusement for them...especially when Mr GFF tried to get the bike off the ferry at the other side!!!
Another fond memory is the first time I walked down Palolem beach..........not a shack/sunbed/seller to be seen.....absolute paradise. We stayed in a hut overnight only to be woken in the early hours by a palm throng falling from a tree right onto the roof of the hut....It scared the hell out of us!!!
GFF xx
Lots. The first time I went - the state of the airport! the journey to the hotel! pigs, cows in the road then the beauty of an unspoilt beach with crabs darting around in front of you. Palolem a few years ago. My birthday on the Casino Boat last year - a cracking night, 5 of us, good fun had by all. Friends old and new.
All our memories of Goa are brilliant ones thats why we keep returning
year after year.
The wonderfull Goan sunsets ,the smells and the hospitable people
are probably the best memories.
PAT :sun2
Our memories include the 1st sunset on our 1st night in Goa sitting by a shack with a Kings in your hand, 1st ride in a tuk-tuk on the Candolim-Baga road, trying to cross the road in Mapsa, washing and riding an elephant, seeing the River Princess for the 1st time, stepping off the plane and the heat hitting you, being given a warm bottle of water on the coach on your 1st transfer from the airport and the sights and smells while on the road as dawn breaks.

Great memories from a beautiful place!! :D :D
Well where does one start,

End of the day infront of Spottys watching the sun go down with a cold Kings.

Disappearing into a trench outside the Sportsman in Calangute during a powercut.

When I was a rep, meeting my (what is now) wife and handing her a bottle of warm water on the Transfer.

The mentalness of an International Cricket Match in Goa........Twice

Cricket/Football at the Candolim pitch.

My co-compere drinking feni on stage at the JMC cabaret at WEst End in 2001 and being unable to finish his stint.

Running out of juice on my scooter and filling it up with petrol in Bisleri bottle.

Bloody Marys at Frank Zappas

Just some of my faves
December the 31st 1999, on the beach outside the Heritage village approaching sunset, there was a small band playing indian music and a load of small indian kids were dancing along the shoreline following the movement of the sun, they were wearing cardboard cutouts on top of thier heads, they had cut them to the shape of the sun( more star shaped) and as the sun went down for the last time that century the music stopped and all the children bowed thier heads to show thier handy work then the children came running to us for a cuddle, absolutely magic.
Danny, that memory brought tears to my eyes, thankyou for sharing it. It sounds like a magical moment in time. Definitely deposit that one in the memory bank. :cry
watching the young son of the shack worker trailing a plastic bottle full of sand behind him on a string and seeing the joy in his face.
Wow this is a hard one --- , I've been pondering for ages over this , so here's my answer :-
The last reply from johnsq22 had me in tears. There are so many negative and bad reports about Goa at the moment. Just been reading about the shacks closing down at Calangute. I can remember walking up there every day and not being able to get past people, jet skis, just absolute bedlam. Hard to picture how it must look at the moment. It is all very sad, because i still love the place and the people! Can't wait to go back there in December! 3 months this time! Thats if we can get a visa! :yikes
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