General Holiday Enquiries, Hints and Tips

General Holiday Enquiries? Got General Hints & Tips? Post Them Here.
MilleMiglia wrote:
Una cerveza, por favor


Definitely know that one ;) more of a vino tinto girl myself, ha!
Call me a party pooper but the one phrase you should know in any language before you get here is Emergency Exit - as a fire a Dussledorf Airport showed a few years ago.

salida is exit so salida de emergencia should be obvious

I think you're right about phrase books, they seem to be written by people who have rather odd requirements sometimes. And a few off the cuff words always seems better than a rather stilted phrase read from a book.

try working a few things out at - such as food items you want (or want to avoid!) and maybe create your own customised phrase book
sphs - I can't praise this site enough Just dwnload the Spanish onto your computer and you'll have great fun. They actually say the word so you can repeat it - brilliant site.
I use the byki free download and find it excellent. Take a look here and click on Spanish
steve8482 wrote:
Call me a party pooper but the one phrase you should know in any language before you get here is Emergency Exit - as a fire a Dussledorf Airport showed a few years ago.

salida is exit so salida de emergencia should be obvious

I think you're right about phrase books, they seem to be written by people who have rather odd requirements sometimes. And a few off the cuff words always seems better than a rather stilted phrase read from a book.

try working a few things out at - such as food items you want (or want to avoid!) and maybe create your own customised phrase book

Definitely useful, Steve. Thanks a lot!

The phrase books contain phrases which don't really seem useful at all, so I agree with you there!

Will use Google translate for some simple words but it's not to be trusted with complex sentences, it doesn't understand context! Thanks for replying.

tisonlymoi wrote:
Para mi un cidre por favour! :cheers

Right you are, vodka my way please! ;)

Helen T wrote:
sphs - I can't praise this site enough Just dwnload the Spanish onto your computer and you'll have great fun. They actually say the word so you can repeat it - brilliant site.

Fantastic - off to have a look now. Thanks Helen!

shirley h wrote:
I use the byki free download and find it excellent. Take a look here and click on Spanish

Glad to have two recommendations. Off to have a look, thanks Shirley!
Wow, that website is really fantastic.

Glad I asked now! :D
Yes -with 6 weeks to go before Kephalonia I'll be brushing up on my Greek now
My daughters primary school offered a free 10 week spanish course for us parents ( she's been learning spanish at school for the last 3 years ) so I took them up on this offer, just did the last one last week, and I think i've learnt a lot , I can now ask and tell someone my name, where i'm from, tell them what I do for a job , ask them, tell them about my family, ask them the same, mind you, someone said to me, the best way to test your spanish is to phone a restraunt and book a table, without a bit of sign language, i'd be proper scuppered !!
good on you sephs for wanting to learn a bit, I'm going to see my best friend who lives in a spanish town ( she's fluent) in 3 weeks and i'm going to insist on talking to her local friends in spanish ! may get laughed out of that town, but i'll give it my all !!
juby 5 wrote:
My daughters primary school offered a free 10 week spanish course for us parents ( she's been learning spanish at school for the last 3 years ) so I took them up on this offer, just did the last one last week, and I think i've learnt a lot , I can now ask and tell someone my name, where i'm from, tell them what I do for a job , ask them, tell them about my family, ask them the same, mind you, someone said to me, the best way to test your spanish is to phone a restraunt and book a table, without a bit of sign language, i'd be proper scuppered !!
good on you sephs for wanting to learn a bit, I'm going to see my best friend who lives in a spanish town ( she's fluent) in 3 weeks and i'm going to insist on talking to her local friends in spanish ! may get laughed out of that town, but i'll give it my all !!

That's not a bad offer at all, is it?! I think I'd have bitten their hand off if I was offered that! I was using the Byki software last night and was able to come out with a few phrases today, colours, numbers, etc. It's helped with pronunciation, as well, as I (being from Liverpool) automatically presumed 'calle' was pronounced 'callay', not 'cajje'! :lol:
I'd love to be able to have a conversation with someone. I can have basic conversation with somebody in French, pretty much the things you mentioned above. I'd like to be able to do that speaking Spanish, too. I think it's common courtesy to learn the basics, after all, they all make the effort to speak English so the least I can do is learn a few basics to return the favour! :D
If you are going to Catalan Spain or Ibiza then a Bon Dia can go a long way instead of Buenas Dias.

At the shops I got confused when the assistant said 'Es Tote' (that's what it sounded like). I learned that meant 'is that all or is that it or are you finished' I would say Si and she/he would total up the bill.
MilleMiglia wrote:
Una cerveza, por favor


Cheapskate, surely you are buying a round? :cheers
hi de hi

Excellent point about Catalan!
Hola ¿dónde está el más cercano bar de tapas y donde puedo conseguir un buen vino

Hello where is the nearest tapas bar and where can I get some good wine... :sun2 :sun2
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