General Holiday Enquiries, Hints and Tips

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Everywhere in Turkey is child friendly:)

Not all hotels have a lot for children, a paddling pool an maybe a swing park but at a year old he wont want too much more, and the staff will run round the wee fella making sure his needs are met - nothing is too much trouble when it comes to children :)
As said everywhere is child friendly, we took ours when they were a few months old, only thing I would suggest is pop into Mothercare and get a mossy net for cots- could save you or your child a lot of greif.
hi ge i stayed in the club anastasia apartments highly recommended i had such a great time going back in 6wks they have a shallow pool seperate for babies and a big pool check this out you will have fun no need to go far its a good laugh i promise or ya money back....have fun :lol:
hi ge

its our first time taking the wee man with us to turkey aswell,

and he`s just a yr old in may and he`s called liam lol

we are going to altinkum on friday, apart from the heat he will be fine lots of sun block. will let you know how we get on, hoping to buy lots of baby essentials out there although i have a supply for the first few days. bought a mossiband for him to wear around his ankle, wrist is not an option wouldnt stay there long.

Both Airtours and First Choice hotels do creches, you do have to pay for them but they're really not that expensive and it gives you time as a couple for a couple of hours a day and that really is a lovely break!

I can't specifically recommend any hotels but go and grab an Airtours or First Choice brochure from the travel agents. I'm sure Thomsons will do their own one too.


Catherine x
Our son is 16 months old, and has been on holiday three times.

In my opinion you'll be much, much better off self-catering. We've just come back from Corfu, where we rented a three-bedroom villa and split the cost with my parents. It was ideal.

We got time to ourselves while they looked after the baby. It was great at night. We'd go out as a family for a meal. My wife and I would then go back to the villa to settle Conrad down for the night, and when my parents returned - to either go to bed or have a late drink on the balcony - we went out and partied.

But the convenience of having a well-equipped kitchen was enormous. It was much better than the two previous holidays when we've been booked into hotels.

I would second Rich C suggestion of going self catering. Rooms in hotels are really on the small side and unless going 4* its rare to get a fridge. Going self catering will make life a lot easier and will give you a bedroom that you can put baby down for a sleep but still get on with your lives instead of tip toeing around in a hotel room
Totally agree Rich, my mum has a timeshare in Gran Canaria, we first took our little fella there when he was 8 weeks old and having someone else there to give you a break is a Godsend. However, he is now almost three, we have been on 9 holidays with him and we have always taken other family members with us.

Next week will be our first holiday out of 9 as a family, you do get sick of dragging the babysitters along! lol There is a kids club at the hotel we're going to but "officially" he's not allowed in until he's three, which is next month, so I'm just going to tell them he is three anyway (he looks and acts 4). As its soooooooooo nice just to get a couple of hours peace and be a couple (nudge nudge wink wink). lol

We only booked a creche once and it was at the Alcudia Pins in Majorca, an Airtours hotel, we never got to use it though as we all got cryptosporidium from the pool and he was too ill to go to it. Typical!!!!

Right what a lot of babble I talk, I'm away now! 8)

Catherine x
Agree with views about self catering. We went last year to Akyaka with our daughter, her partner and their daughter of 15 months. We stayed at the Yucelen Hotel and Apartments. They have a baby pool, but better than that was the superb sandy beach which is one step outside the Yucelen. My daughter found it brilliant for the baby. As it is all sand, and the sea is really shallow for a long way out, our granddaughter was able to potter around spade in hand in safety!
Another tip which surprisingly not that many people seem to have thought of, is to take a fold up baby seat with you, which you can clip to the table in the restaurants. You can buy them here in Mothercare. We actually used one abroad years ago with our youngest daughter. They are great because the baby can sit up with you and see everything that is going on, and you don't have to rely on the restaurant having a spare high chair.
suki2464 is right :tup
wherever you go in Turkey it is child friendly. they love children over there :D :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
Hey thanks, I'll take your varied advice. Especially the one about the creche for a few hours, ahem...relaxation :oops:

Cheers!, Ge.
We took our son to Fuerteventura when he was 1. We stayed in Corralejo in the north of the island which was lovely. It's small and very child friendly. Good selection of restaurants and bars and shops for things like baby food and nappies. It's not rowdy at all and no larger louts either. What we liked was there was a good health centre called the Brisamar Centre we used a few times as our lad had tonsilitis. They were brilliant.
We stayed at the Dunas Caleta which is a Thomson Superfamily complex but there are plenty of other good accomodations about.
The good thing is the climate there, it's temperate so about the same temp all year round we nornally go during the winter months Nov/Dec/Jan time it's about 22-24 degrees.
Hope this helps.
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