Spain - Costa Blanca Discussion Forum

Discussions regarding holidays in the Costa Blanca.
Beach Peddlars.
6 Posts
Sorry to tell you they are still there
Just got back sat 29th april

Just for the record

exchange rate 1.41

Taxi from beni to airport official price 58 euro

Temp day 24 c
Thanks mike-berry.
Will have to get some earplugs for the beach then. Or a huge water pistol to squirt at them and shout "AGUAAAAAAAAGH" :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl
A sign of the times???

Just like the lookie lookie men and women!!!!!
we go to the south of france every year (got to love the med) and they have been doing it there for years :roll:
you get used to it in the end, it's the bell they ring that drives me nuts. :evil:
it does get annoying. watch them run though when the police come into there sight, i once watched the police make one of them throw it all in a near by bin and make him leave the beach. i couldnt believe my eyes 10 minutes later when he came back with his bucket an took all his cans, and fruit out of the smelly bin and started patrolling the beach again mivering people and shouting....

never ever have anything off them... you never know what they have done with it.
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