Bulgaria Discussion Forum

Discussions regarding holidays in Bulgaria
101 Posts
Thanks steve. I am flying off to golden sands later this afternoon. I will look in on Nicolia. cheers.
Hi all does anyone know if the tattooist thats just down the street from the roundabout ride at the back of the Kuban is still there.I'm sorry but I can't for the life of me remember what the name is :( but i'm sure if I heard the name I would remember.that said he's one hell of an artist and very very clean.I know it's a long shot but thanks anyway PHIL :thanks :thanks :thanks
just come back from sunny beach there was a tatooist round the corner from the kuban near the xl disco if thats any help
dont recall his name but he's great tattooist

he's the most hygenic tattooist i've ever been to

absolutley spot on, no patches or anything in the tat he did for me
Hi les I had mine done in 2005 still looks brand new.We're going again next year so I hope he's still there He'll be getting some more of my dosh that's for sure.I seem to think the name is something like provka or something like that :glynis
hell of a lot cheaper than over here to smiffy

i dont think i got his name but the young girl who did his bookings had an english name i think
If anyone is thinking of getting a tattoo in Bulgaria my advice would be dont get one done in the shop next to Djannys it is visible its in a hairdresser's, my husband and I got tattoo's 2 weeks ago there and they have healed fully but they are all patchy, we went there because he was 20 lev less than the others, so it doesnt always work out getting the cheapest because were going to have to get them coloured in again which will cost double over here, are designs are brilliant he is a good artist we both got tribal symbols on side of our hands, its just the ink he used they have now gone all patchy and faded compared to the tattoo that i have on my back which is 6 years old so dont know whether he's watered the ink down if thats possible.
Did you keep them covered or go swimming because they could have been bleached by the sun or the chlorine in the pool if so.
several similar topics have now been merged
me and my husband had tattoos done in Albena, there was 2 tattooists and we went to the small one behind the natasha cafe , we were told not to use that one but to use the other one called "pimp" we decided to go for it anyway, my husbands tattoo is brilliant, mines a mess, its faded so badly it looks years old , looks like a stick on transfer.

our son had a henna tattoo on his arm and when we got home he had an allergic reaction to it, it swelled and blistered and it now looks red and nasty im hoping that it doesnt leave a scar

be very careful, having a tattoo anywhere in the world is a risky decision, but to have one abroad is even riskier because i cant go back and complain or ask her to put the tattoo right for me, i have to pay now and get someone here to fix it
i would trust that anyone having a tattoo anywhere in the world would do there homework 1st

the tattoo i had done in bulgaria (tattooist under the kuban) is the best tattoo i have ever had done and i have 15 tattoos

a good tattoist is 1 that comes reccomended, and that doesnt mean its going to be a good tattoo when its finished

some people have reactions to the different colured inks they use, some people pick and rub the scab (this makes the tat patchy)

some people have a few beers before going under the needle (not reccomended, it makes your blood thinner and more prone to bleeding which washed out some of the ink, there fore a patchy tattoo

always ensure if your going to be tattooed that its done by a tattooist that can show you his/her certificates and that you trust them

a tattoo is for life :D
to silverpixie

got my tat done on the last day kept it covered, and never went into the pool,
just cant understand why its gone like that really p****d off, i know better now didnt do my homework lesson learned, read a lot of reviews on the tattooist near the kuban so will be checking that one out when i next go back.
Hey up lesb just remembered that tottooist near kuban is called paranoika.Anyone reading this and worried about the tats I would recomend this bloke as mine is 2 years old and looks brand new hte
i agree with smiffy

he's well worth checking out
im going 2 sunny beach in september and im hoping to get an old tattoo covered up. im wondering if anyone can advise me on what tattooist 2 use/not use, and also maybe post a pic of your tattoo if you had one done in sunny beach, thanx :tup
I have now had six done in Sunny Beach four last year and two the year before, and the wife has had two done. I use tattoo vega, the one just along from the new hotel/shopping complex on art street. I can highly recommend him, he is very good. I will be getting at least another two done this year when I go. I will see if I can get some pics posted for you of them. The smallest I had done took four hours to do and the largest seven hours, so they are not small ones. This is their website address http://www.tattoo-vega.com/index1.html so you can see some examples of his work. Christoph is the person you speak to and he translates for you to the artist. My wife had a free hand design done and he gave her his drawing as well so no one can have the same tattoo done. I do not know of any bad ones, but no doubt someone will be along shortly to help out. My tattoos cost around £20 an hour so less than half of what I pay over here, and in my opinion he is much better than my local artistes.
thanx paul that was a great help. i have just had a look at his website and he looks very good. it would be great to have a look at some of your tattoos when you get chance to post them, thanx again :cheers
Hi stebrady,

You'll find a 5-page thread on tattos HERE.

Thanks baldur.

Merged with existing topic.

luci :wave
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