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Its been that long since I had a you know whatty I cant remember what I did once they were scabby. In fact I remember going for a dentist appointment and putting factor 25 lip balm on so it didnt crack when I opened my mouth. Do not what ever you do put vaseline on as this used to make me get more!!! Hope it vanishes soon and you enjoy your hols!!
Thanks Lordy,
I haven't been putting vas on it as I thought it needed to dry out in order to heal-but it gets so dry the thing starts to peel and comes off before the underneath has healed. Maybe the answer is to moisten it so it won'd crack. Do you think sun cream will help then? It's not looking any better this morning. The children in school (where I work) were commenting yesterday that I had a cut under my lip :(
Yeah I think sun cream is better as it moisturises the skin where as vaseline tends to act as a waterproof and airproof barrier which also heats up creating a perfect environment for a virus to multiply. Kids always tell the truth dont they? I never forget my little cousin saying 'Lindsay what all them red dots on your face?' in front of the whole family at Sunday lunch. I was mortified and said wait till your older then you will find out! Now I have a child of my own if I get spots at a certain time of the month he actually counts my dots!! I would definately recommend Lysine tablets as if you have read previous posts you will find the last time I had a you know whatty was 2003!! Do remember if you take them to leave a gap of a month between bottles so you dont become immune. Good luck!!
It's an old fashioned remedy but I used to find the Fuller's Earth cream was great for helping healing after cold sores/splits as you describe. You can still get it from Boots in round flat tins. Looks awful in the tin - grey and greasy - but you just need a tiny smear and it really soothes it and helps stop the continual opening up that you describe. Haven't had a cold sore in decades but do get those annoying little cracks on my heels and occassionally on the tips of my fingers at the end of my nails and it does wonders!

Thanks ever so much SM - I'll try anything. I hope I can get some when I go shopping tomorrow. I'm running out of time for it to heal now. I was eating food this evening when my son remarked that I had blood running down my chin :yikes -it had split without me realising. How embarrasing, lucky I was at home. It's only small now, but really a dark red colour. Thanks again.
shirley, I feel your pain !!! woke up this morning , looked in the mirror and found a duck billed platypus staring back at me ! I hadn't had a cold sore for about 3 yrs, then a coupla months ago, got one almighty rubish cold and they attacked me with a vengeance, one either side of each nostril, one just under the middle of me nose and a massive one slap bang on me cupids bow, I tell ya, I looked a right sight !!
Thing is, I only get them if I'm poorly or rundown, so I can't understand todays one as I feel grand, no stress or anything !??
Have been slathering on 'cymex' cheaper version of the leading brand ( can't spell the name !)
hey ho, will just wear a balaklava for the next week ...... :rofl
juby 5, I feel for you!! If you go into your local Holland and Barratts and ask to see their book the page on coldsores shows certain foods which can bring on an attack! I remember some but not all of them chocolate and nuts are a couple. Maybe you need to increase vitamin C although I dont take it as the lysine have been doing the trick for me and I used to get them exactly like you have just explained!!
hi there i have just got my lysine can anyone advise how many i take before i have to have a break from them please thanks all hope it works :tup
Just an update - I went to Holland and Barratt to ask their advice and was told that they'd recommend lycine to me but they were out of stock. On further consultation I purchased 'Bach Rescue Cream'. It's part of the Bach's Flower remedy range which I find invaluable. The box states that it's a general skin salve that moisturises rough, dry skin to restore to it's natural good condition - it's also safe to use on flaking or chapped skin. I was advised that it works well on getting rid of the dried up scab that's left after a coldsore. Well, RESULT!! after days of cracking/scabbing over etc etc, the scab fell off for good 2 days after starting with the cream. A product I'd recommend.
madmadge, I take a break of a month between bottles of 60x1000mg lysine and have been doing this since 2003 without a you know whatty!! shirley h that cream sounds good I think I will tell my cousin about it as he keeps forgetting to take lysine tablets and has been getting stressed with exams so had a nasty you know whatty last week!!
ok lordy many thanks just hope i remember to take them gosh they are so after i have taken the 60 take a break for a month then start again hope thats right yep i am blonde lol :tup
yes thats right!!! My aunty used to cut them in half for my cousins to make it easier to swallow.
thanks lordy i cut mine in half too and still struggled lol
Bought some Lysine tablets from Holland and Barrett last week end,I think I will be spitting them in twoin future, I nearly choked when I took one, never seen pills that large.... :really
Normally I only get cold sores when I'm on my holidays somewhere very hot. Would these tablets be suitable for me, and if so how soon before I go should I take them? Thanks
Hello there I would probably take it for at least 2 months before you go away just to get it into your system!
For all that have coldsores, constantly dab a very strong perfume on every hour(use tissue), it stings like hell, and numbs the area, but it will heal quicker I know, also to prevent you getting them on hols, make sure you use a lipbalm every day whilst sunbathing, etc, I use a nivea one, and touch wood havent had one for over a year, even last august on my hols ;) didnt get one either.
Off to Holland and Barratt for the lysine tablets as daughter is getting them every month! She had an awful allergic reaction a couple of months ago and a cold sore was to blame!

Lordy, do you take one 1000mg tablet a day? Have read somewhere you need to take 1250mg so want to make sure she is having a high enough dose.

Will also buy some Bach Rescue Cream for the one she already has and some high protection lip salve.
kazza36 done that and put every other known chemical on it in my time. I have had coldsores all my life since birth some of them horrendous covering nose and mouth!! was introduced to lysine tablets in holland and barratts in 2003 before my wedding and touch wood have never had a coldsore since! I do still use high factor lipbalms as my lips are on the dry side. but honest to God what a result with the lysine and I took them when I was pregnant and my son is 2 now and hasn't touch wood had one so far!!
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