Image of AA Grand Oasis Hotel

AA Grand Oasis Hotel

63 of 104 hotels in Sharm El Sheikh

4 out of 5 from 56 reviews
4 stars
Shark's Bay, Sharm El Sheikh , 5331, Egypt

56 Reviews

Traveller Rating

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Review Overview

  • Cleanliness
  • Entertainment
  • Food
  • Service
  • Location
Patricia Nicholls
Not recommended
10 years 6 months ago
We went on this all inclusive holiday only to find when we got there it wasn't really all inclusive. We had a letter in our room telling us we could have wine in the restaurant but would have to pay if we wanted it in the bars. As all local wines spirit and beers were supposed to be included we were very upset by this .
As I only drink wine, and we would not have booked this holiday it's a case of misrepresentation.

A great shame as the hotel itself was lovely why they would do this penny pinching is beyond us, as ourselves and quite a few others will not go there again. we feel other people should know this.

Travel operator: Co opertive travel online

14 years 6 months ago
When we arrived after a long delay back in Manchester airport the sight that greeted us at the hotel was a nice welcome suprise.Inside it s really palatial,looks fantastic and really spotless.While waiting to check in a nice welcoming drink was offered to us and a smile.The food was quite nice,everything you can think of although breakfast was the same every morning,still nice.The room was spotless and cleaned everyday and got that personel touch which was very nice.The staff are a joy and so nice,everybody from the manager down to the cleaners.Entertainment was ok,something for everybody.All in all a fantastic hotel.We went in January cant wai to go back in july

Travel operator: thompson

15 years ago
This is one of two Tropican hotels in Sharm, the other being close to Naama Bay & not on the seafront. Grand Oasis is on Sharks Bay.

The staff at this hotel do make every effort to keep it clean - however, the building is geting old and requires refurbishment. Things look OK on the surface, but poor air conditioning, dodgy electrical sockets and low standard of decoration/maintenance soon become obvious.

We found that the air con took from 10pm to about 3am to achieve a comfortable temperature, which meant difficulty in sleeping. You are required to place your key fob in a slot to activate the air con, so a good suggestion is to remove the key from the fob & leave the air con on all day - which will provide you with a comfortable sleeping temperature when you go to bed, rather than half way throught the night!

Our room weas suitable for two rather than the 3 of us. The third bed was an uncomfortable camp bed, which was not suitable for my children, who at 16 and 17 require a standard bed. The camp bed was very uncomfortable, so be warned if there are more than two of you in a room.

The management are making a real effort to please the british, implementing some changes to the food while we were there. There is a 'main' restaurant, which we generally used for breakfast only, with an occasional lunch in there also. This restaurant is not recommended, as the food quality was pretty low and it was extremely busy resulting in shortages of glasses, dirty plates etc. Fortunately, there are three 'bookable' restaurants available, which others have mentioned, These were generally good quality food and better service. Additionally, they started to lay out tables around the pool to server dinner from 8pm onwards. A lot of this food was freshly cooked outside, which proved to be a pleasant environment and again a good standard of food.

The pool could be cleaner - though I think they had a problem with the filters while we were there. I do wonder if the swimming pools are the cause of many people illnesses while in Egypt (this hotel was no worse for people being ill than any other).

In my opinion, the location makes this hotel. Sharks Bay is fantastic for snorkeling, we saw more fish here than on a days boat trip to Ras Mohamed. You are able to snorkel the entire bay (there are some provate jetties along the way where we rested). At the far end of the bay is a public beach where you can grab a dring before your swim back (my money was a little wet by this point!). While only 5 minitues from the airport, you do not get much noise & this is quite a nice place to be when you have your airport transfer (first to arrive & last pickup!).

Staff are often insistent that they serve you, rather than allowing you to get your own drinks at the bar. This is often frustrating as there aren't enough staff to provide a good level of service, so you end up waiting for drinks. The staff were pretty mixed in their attitude/friendliness, overall less pleasant than our previous stay in Egypt.

Entertainment was pretty poor, and mostly in Italian or Russian (who make up the majority of residents) and also aimed at young children. However, I think this is on a par with many other hotels in Egypt.

I would return for the location, but I would not be happy about cramming three in a room.

Travel operator: Cosmos

15 years 6 months ago
the hotel itself is lovley looking, the pool area is great and does have a heated pool, the staff are cleaning all the time and are all very friendly.


i cant compare it to anywhere eles as we have never been all inclusive befroe but i imagine its quite simlar everywhere. we were allowed to have any local drink (i no this is the same everywhere) i thought thats fne although when i tried a vodka it tased stale, i tried another one a few days later thinking it might have been a dodgy one but that tasted the same too. so we stuck to the beer and wine which were ok, although the beer i could drink about 8 plastic cups (they give you these by the beech/pool, although sometime give you a plastic half glass) and still not feel even tipsy and i normally an on my way after about 5 halfs!

so we found we prefere to be able to pay (we didnt really want to pay extra for drinks as we had paid alot of money for the holiday and we only took a small amount of spending money with us, although if we did want to buy drinks they did look cheap around 3 egyption for say a vodka but it was horrible anyway! but when we went the sister hotel (not included in AI) the drinks were much more expensive as were the drinks in the one bar we went into the town-about 5 english pound for a cocktail) we prefer to pay and choose what drinks we like and enjoy them more i couldnt have a cocktail as the vodka was horribe and also fruit juice wasnt included on AI although when i asked for my vodka and orange we didnt get charged any extra?

the food choice was good there were 3 sit down reastraunts, a fish, italian and egyption one we went to all of these and they were nice, there was also a main buffet restraunt where breki, lunch and dinner were served, there was lots of varity such as breki-scrambled egg, omlette, chopped sausage, bolied egg, bread rolls, toast, ham, cheese, jams, cakes!?, tea coffe, juice etc, lunch- differed day to day-baguttes,jacket potatoe, mash, rice, chicken, pasta, meatballs, veg, stuffed peppers, burgers (but not like our burgers)puddingg, jelly cake etc and some other stuff, dinner- pasta, mash, chicken, meats, pizza, wraps, rice, veg, soup, pie, puddings, cakes, fruit etc. although some of the food wasnt very good, lots of things tased the same as each other like the chicken, meat, rice, but there were other things to choose from that were nicer, the baguettes at lunch were lovley, you could choose from chicken, tuna, ham, cheese, the bread is very fresh. there was also a snack bar which served food from 11 till 5pm they had things like burger, hotdog, pizza slices, salad, chips, wraps, some of this food was not very nice the meat-burgers and they had like a mice meat type meat this tased the same as the food in the reastraunt-not very nice but again some other things were ok like the hot dogs and they had pizza slices.

so i was thankful for the sit down restraunts as i would get very fed up of eating in the same place every night and day too and the hotel was far from the town, there was a free shuttle bus to take you there which you booked the day before (you can get a taxi if you want to though aswell)there are a few shops and a few reatraunts indian, chineese, ukraniane, middle easten (we ddint try these) about a 5-10 min walk away theres a supermarket here too), we also had to book into the restraunts the day before too, which is not a problem but we do normally like to decide what we want to do on the day/night we dont really plan what were going to do in advance, only trips, we usually just do what we fancy on the day/night but we had to decide the day before here, which is fine, but not what wed normally do.
ice cream is not included on all inclusive.


the entertainment, there was something on each night at 9.45, it was very much orientated to the other nationalities, we went to watch it on the first night and the reviews had said it was bad and not english orientated etc and it was. but it was funny! they do say some things in english if they are aware there are english guests present i think, they had a dance show and got people from the audience up in couples and they had to dance one couple at a time different styles-sexy,rock etc that was quite funny! the drinks were served in plastic cups here too, which is ok i suppose but it means you have to keep going to the bar as my fionce took 2-3 mouthfuls and it was gone! the bar man also tried to give us a cocktail he made, he put everything under the sun in it i think! it tasted disgusting and went down the plug hole! we never went back for the entertainment!

the other option at night was the main bar which was just a bar, no music or anything eles which is fine, we took aspack of cards and played cards most nights but these were the only two choices for the night time and with it been so far from town you couldnt just walk into town for a change (although you could book the shuttle bus in advance the day before which leave at various times and the last one back is at midnight)
they also had an option to go to the sister hotel at 11.30 till 3am for a discotech but our rep told us she had bin told its like a drag house! and bad entertainment (not sure if it would be included on all inclusive) so we gave this a miss!
so we didnt think this was very good as its not what were used to and we like to go to different bars normally and maybe watch some good entertaiment or english lol. or we find a bar we like and go there each night after going to some others, but we only had these options at this hotel.

pool area-

the pool area was lovley, 3 pools a kiddies pool, big one (unheated) and a smaller one (heated)lots of sunbathing space and the option to go to the beach too, although there a are loads of rooms so i imagine it could get very busy and packed in the summer.

the weather was also very nice, it was abit windy on the first day, still magaed to sunbathe! after that it was hot hot hot i dont know the exact tempreture but im guessing it must have been at least mid 20's and not a cloud in the sky except for the second to last day there were a couple but not many and they didnt affct the all important sunbathing! we also had a heated pool at the hotel which was a big plus for me been able to go in the pool in january when i say heated though i dont mean warm, it was a bit nippy on first getting in but once you were in it was fine and lots of people were in there (prob about the same sorta temp as the pool is in the summer maybe a tad cooler) but they had a big main pool too which wasnt heated i felt the temp and you could deffo tell the difference that one was freezing! but a couple of people did brave it for a quick dive/swim!

the pools guys will come and put your towles on your bed fot you, something were not used too! and if they see you tryingto move your bed aroundto the sun they will come and move it for you or adjust the back of the bed to lying/sitting etc which is great and nice to be waited on i supose but were not used to it and feel like we want to help them! but thats what there there to do, there are people that walk around the pool and beach trying to sell you trips and massages etc and they will keep coming back to you, we told them we would think about it and that we had no money etc and they still kept coming and showing us and asking us to do it.

we did have the cleopatra massage programe whilst we were there and haggled down to a better price, it was about

Travel operator: thompson

16 years 3 months ago
We stayed at the Tropicana Grand Oasis on a all inclusive basis.

The food was not fantastic but it was always hot and we nver went hungry. The freshly baked breads with Lurpak butter was very nice. French fries were served most lunch times but you have to queue for quite a while.

The cleanliness of the hotel was second to none as the staff never stop cleaning it.

The pool area was fantastic and the pool boys saved our beds every morning for us. (Thank you Ashraf and Ibrahim)

The location was fine with a shuttle bus running to Naarma bay.
Entertainment was just for the Italians and Russians although they did ask us to join.

I would certainly visit this hotel again but I do like to see other parts of the world.

Travel operator: Thomsons

17 years 1 month ago
Just returned from a week in the Tropicana Grand Oasis, weather was great low to mid 40's in the day and mid 30's at night.

Thomson rate this hotel 4 star but I would say its more like a 5 star and definitely one of the best I have stayed in.

We found the hotel to be almost spotless, with staff cleaning all the time.

Room always cleaned properly and they even arrange anything you leave lying around (we returned to the room while the maid was cleaning one day to find the maid on the floor cleaning it, it was clean anyway and didn't need it).

Clean towels twice a day.

The room maids are men but dont let this put you off, they clean to a very high standard.

Food is much better than I expected after reading other reviews, always a good selection and I am very fussy. In addition to the main restaurant there are three others on site, Fish, Oriental and Italian but have to be booked at reception. We tried them all and was very impressed.

Location wise the hotel is at Sharks bay which is a bit remote as it mainly just hotels in this area other than half a dozen shops ten minutes walk away. There is a free shuttle bus that runs to Nama bay though several times a day. So if you looking for a relaxing holiday in the sun this is the place.

Hotel staff are very friendly and we didn't meet a rude one all week, and there is a lot off staff here.

Bar staff are great and we never had an empty glass, after a couple of days it was that good that the bar staff saw use coming and our drinks were on the table when we got there that's service.

Entertainment is a big let down though as its all aimed towards Italians, but at least there something on every night.

Beach at this hotel is quite good as its on site and for this hotel use only as no access from other hotels. Like all the hotels in this area the sea is entered by a pontoon due to corals and the snorkeling area is OK but we found it a bit small and had to swim past the barriers to see more, but most were happy within the barriers.

We would definitely return to this hotel again, if we return to sharm again.

Travel operator: Thomson

17 years 1 month ago
The "tropicana grand oasis" was always very clean and tidy, with the cleaning staff working all day.
our room was cleaned everyday, with clean towels and bedding.

There were four restaurants within the complex, an oriental, fish, italian and the main restaurant.

The oriental, fish and italian were all very nice although you had to book a day in advance, in the main restaurant there was always alot of choice but the food hygiene was something else!! There were birds flying around and landing on the food, the chiefs were using the same utensils for both raw and cooked meats, I had chicken on one occassion that was raw...

The location of hotel was quite remote, there were a few shops that were about a 15 minute walk but nothing special, however the hotel does have a free shuttle bus that runs into Naama Bay which you also have to book...

All of the hotel staff were really friendly, the bar staff were great we never had an empty glass all holiday, the pool guys were equally as nice nothing was too much trouble for them - I can honestly say they are some of the nicest people we have ever met.

The entertainment was very all for the italians!

The weather was fantastic for the full 2 weeks always in the 40's so make sure that you use a high factor sun tan lotion or be prepared to get seriously burnt!

Travel operator: portland

John D
17 years 4 months ago
I have just returned from a week staying at the Tropicana Grand Oasis. The weather has been generally great - about 27c day max and 18c night min and mostly sunny, but a little cloud some days and even rain for a few minutes on one day, which is rare!

Overall I have had a good holiday. The hotel is kept spotlessly clean with constant cleaning in progress. I went on my own but had a large room with 2 beds and a balcony and I was was pleasantly surprised.

The staff are generally very friendly and helpful and do appreciate a small tip every now and again. They seem to like the Brits best - there were mostly Italians and Russians whilst I was there, but a fair few Brits too.

The food was a bit better than I was expecting having read previous reviews, but not great. Quite a good choice, but in the main buffet restaurant it's not very inspiring. I had a nice meal in the Italian restaurant (Mamma Mia) and would recommend this as it's no extra cost, but you need to book in advance. 2 good main pools - large one not heated so it was a bit chilly as only March, but bearable -and refreshing!

One important thing to mention about the pool area is the frequent very loud music being blasted out by the (ludicrous) Italian animation team. This drove a lot of Brits mad and when people complained and tried to get the music turned down, they didn't take much notice.

It upset a lot of the British guests, especially the more mature ones, so until/unless this problem is sorted, if you don't like almost constant loud music by the pool and prefer peace and quiet to read/relax etc, this will not be the place for you. It's a shame and maybe it will be sorted as generally the hotel is quite good, but for now it is best to warn everyone.

The entertainment in the evening is pretty hopeless and limited and needs considerable improvement, but you can go into Naama Bay - taxis about

Travel operator: Thomsons

17 years 7 months ago
This was our third visit to Sharm for Christmas and New Year. This was the worst hotel we have stayed in. Although you cannot fault the cleanliness of the hotel or its staff - its the shabbiness that lets it down - we had cracked tiles on our room floor which had to be covered with rugs to stop us cutting our feet. We also had to make sure the plugs were in in the bathroom because of the awful smell coming from the drains and we were woken every morning at 6am by the vast ovens being started - it could be heard all over the main hotel building.

The entertainment was totally geared towards the Italians which came in by their 100's Christmas Eve and we noticed that the entertainment announcements stopped being announced in English after that day.

The food looked nice on the outside but all the meat dishes were as "tough as old boots". We tried the Italian al la carte (a joke!) and the food was luke warm and the starters were lined up in the open air kitchen waiting to be served and there was only us in the restaurant. Needless to say we didn't eat the food as were frightened of being ill.

With it being winter the only bar open in the evening was the Lobby Bar which is in the reception area and total lacks any kind of atmosphere. We spent most nights out in Naama Bay after trying it for a couple of nights.

There are far far better hotels in Sharm to spend your money on afterall this hotel is not cheap in price to visit just cheap in appearance.


Travel operator: Portland

17 years 9 months ago
Have just returned from a brilliant holiday at a great hotel.

We were all amazed at how little we spent. The hotel is cash free so everything apart from purchases from the shops in the lobby goes on your room bill.

The hotel and its grounds were spotless and the gardens well attended to. Our room was cleaned and tidied immaculately every day.

Excellent choice in the buffet, although we couldn't work out where the hords of people appeared from at lunchtime because generally everywhere around the hotel was very quiet.

Would definitely recommend trying the speciality restaurants which are included as all inclusive but need to be prebooked 24 hours in advance.

Hotel is set in a quiet area of Sharm but only a short bus or taxi ride from resort centre. Transfer from airport only 10 mins but surprisingly little aircraft noise.
All the staff were faultless, very friendly and efficient. After 2 days the pool boys came to meet us as we entered the pool area with the correct number of towels and proceded to arrange our sunbeds and towels for us.

We have to mention our bar waiter Abdullah - second to none! Next round of drinks always waiting for us - thoroughly deserved his tip at the end of the week!

Agree with other reviews that entertainment was pretty dire although on accasions so bad it was good! Music at the pool was at times pretty loud but only at set times.
Would definitely recommend this hotel and are already planning our return.

Travel operator: Thomson


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